Page 43 - Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills 2023
P. 43
No 1: Working Memory
What is Working Memory?
Working Memory is how much information you can keep in your mind
at one time to then use.
It makes a difference to how well we can remember something
someone has said or shown us.
Here’s a mind map to explain times we need Working Memory:
Things we find easiest to remember Things we prefer to pay attention to
Working Memory
Memory for what Memory for what
we hear Like a post-it in your brain, it helps us to hold we see
information in our mind.
Now please
carefully …
Concentrate on what someone is Copy information from a board or
saying screen
Remember names, numbers and Create and hold pictures of things in
facts one’s mind
Turn left at the
roundabout then walk Follow spoken instructions Remember where things are or
50m before taking a
right at the junction. or directions what they look like