Page 79 - Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills 2023
P. 79
Flexible Thinking
Rigid Flexible
Changing Chances © CH/CH LLP 11
Donkeys are great Flexi Foxes are
at: great at:
▪ Keeping to what they believe ▪ Adapting to change
in and staying loyal to a
cause or passion ▪ Compromising
▪ Keeping going and staying on ▪ Seeing different
track, even when others perspectives
change their mind
▪ Changing from one
▪ Persuading people and task to another
getting jobs done
▪ Trying different ways
▪ Sticking to the rules and of doing things
making sure things are fair
▪ Giving new
▪ Doing things properly and experiences a go
being exact and accurate ▪ Meeting new people
about things