Page 149 - VRAC Empowerment Approach Training DAY 1 2021
P. 149
Brain Needs Answers
3. World Around Me Needs: feel capable; feel I can overcome
difficulties; feel good about my strengths and ok about
difficulties; feel a sense of control; feel certain about what is
happening; feel certain about what is expected of me.
4. Executive Function of ‘Control Centre’ skills: Working
Memory; Thinking Speed; Flexible Thinking; Attention
Control; Impulse Control; Emotional & Energy Regulation.
Related skills: organization, using time, task initiation,
sequencing & prioritising; social cognition, empathy.
5. ‘Cups of Need’ is the model used to explain people’s different
levels of need. It shows different sized cups which need to be
filled ‘just right’ in order to feel ok and be at our best.