Page 5 - Unit 11 Prep 4 Best Tool
P. 5
B. Plan to Succeed:
Know what your needs are to be at your Brain Best
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What will I need to feel physically at What will I need to feel emotionally What will I need to learn and study
my best? at my best? at my best?
▪ A snack and drink before we start? PAM: ▪ A chance to look at the topic ahead of the
▪ An extra vest to keep warm? ▪ To work with someone I know and trust? session so it is familiar?
▪ Regular movement breaks? ▪ To know there are some ground rules about ▪ The information summarised with bullet-
▪ A quiet space or ear buds to cut down the how to treat each other? points.
noise? ▪ Feedback half way through? ▪ Instructions on paper so I can check against
WAM: them?
▪ Some clear instructions? ▪ A chance to mind map before writing.
▪ An example of what great looks like? ▪ A seat away from the door to cut down
▪ To know what to do if I get stuck? movement and noise distractions.
Adapted by K Messenger from Clean Feedback Model (