Page 44 - Unit 14 Follow Up: Coaching Conversations
P. 44

Key skills needed for Coaching Conversations

               Skill                  What this looks like                               Skill                   What this looks like

                                     I can introduce issues in                                                 I can share my concerns
                                     a way that helps them to                                                  in a way that helps them

                                     stay calm and feel                                                        to feel supported:
                                     supported:                                                                I say what I have noticed – starting

                                                                                                               with the evidence of what I see and
                                     When I raise issues, I use phrases                                        hear.
                                     such as:
                                                                                                               I use ‘I’ not ‘you’ to stay as Positive
                                     ‘Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble’ or                                   Challenger, not blamer.

                                     ‘Don’t worry, I want you to feel good                                     I use connection phrases regularly to
                                     too.’                                                                     help.

                                     I can listen to                                                           I can invite them to
                                     understand, not to                                                        problem-solve in a way

                                     respond:                                                                  they feel capable:

                                     I listen in a way which aims to really                                    I use phrases such as ‘I wonder if you
                                     find out what life is like for the young                                  can work out a way in which you feel
                                     person.                                                                   good and I/others do too?

                                     I stay curious, asking questions to                                       When they respond with ‘Don’t know’, I
                                     find out more.                                                            have other phrases which are calm and
                                                                                                               positive yet also keep pursuing in a way
                                     I don’t lecture, criticise or persuade                                    that is kind yet definite.
                                     the person to think differently.
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