Page 17 - New Year Refresher 2021
P. 17


        The Cycle of Stress-Related Behaviours – Our model ‘The Cycle of Stress’ illustrates how
        the use of punishment that can sometimes be used in schools or homes can keep children
        in a cycle of stress related behaviour.

        We instead believe in ‘ConEDsequences’ – always following up when a young person
        acts or speaks in a way which is unhelpful to others or themselves yet doing so in a spirit in

        which ‘expectations are high but so is support and kindness’.

        ▪  In our approach, we keep expectations high – in fact we hold children to account much
            more tightly for making progress – we don’t advocate taking the easy option and just
            giving a child a punishment – a morning of isolation or privileges taken away (which
            makes the child feel bad but does nothing to increase their skills and help them do

            better next time).

        ▪  Instead, we advocate a series of coaching sessions carried out in a spirit of support’ – we
            want children to feel good about working out what went wrong and how to do better
            next time (though it may not be the first thing on their list to talk about!).

        ▪  Coaching sessions help them to both feel better and improve their skills to do better.

        ▪  We advocate problem solving Coaching Conversations to work out how to reduce
            stressors and the right supports so a child can do better in the same situation next time.

                                                                 oaching is carried out in a s irit of kindness and su  ort.
                                                                                                                             holds the child to
                                                                account better


           They re not so good at making a longterm difference by hel ing a child    .              G

                                                                 .     T  T
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