Page 14 - NQT Overview November 2020 MASTER
P. 14

The Four Key Goals of

                   The Empowerment Approach

                                                                                      ▪   To know how their brains tick – their strengths, their
                        Metacognition                                                     difficulties and their needs.  To use this knowledge to
                                                                                          build on strengths & manage difficulties positively.

                                                                                      ▪   To move from subconscious response patterns to
                                                                                          conscious control of self.

                           Self-efficacy                                              ▪   To feel capable and believe ‘I can’.

                                                                                      ▪   To become expert problem-solvers and solution
                                                                                          finders to the issues they experience.

                         Self-advocacy                                                ▪   To be clear on their needs and communicate

                                                                                          these positively and with confidence.

                              Emotional                                               ▪   To recognise & understand their own emotions.

                            intelligence                                              ▪   To manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to
                                                                                          environments or achieve goal(s).

                                                                                      ▪   To use emotional information to guide thinking and
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