Page 16 - NQT Overview November 2020 MASTER
P. 16

Implementing the Approach

        A Agree Pro-Social & Pro-Learning B Teach about the brain, our needs                             C Don’t leave it to chance! Prepare
        expectations with young people. & Executive Function Skills                                      and plan ahead so things are in
        Focus on what will help everyone to                                                              place for everyone to be at their
        feel happy, safe and able to learn.                                                              best & do well. Give children the
                                                                                                         chance to ‘Prep4Best’ ahead of time.

        D Respond by connecting when E Follow-up incidents using Coaching F Use coaching to support high risk
        things go wrong.                                and Problem Solving.                             children      who      exhibit      ongoing
                                                                                                         unhelpful patterns of behaviour.

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