Page 33 - Neurodiversity Awareness Session GW slides
P. 33

Common Organisational Strategies

                      Communication                                                     Meetings                                                    Awareness

                  Use bullet points in written                        Give extra time before & after to review                                            Listen

                       Highlight key words                          Provide handouts & slides before a meeting                       Provide specific & objective feedback

                                                                    Follow up meetings & actions with email or                     Set deadlines – do not say ‘give it to me
                             Be concise
                                                                                        written notes                                            when you’re ready’

              Provide templates & best practice                          Provide an agenda & link to current                          Take interest in their condition & any
                              examples                                                projects or work                                                   support

          Provide the wider picture – where does                                 Build in frequent breaks                         Consider giving additional time to process
                           their work fit?                                                                                                            information

                Explain hidden rules, don’t be                         Give alternatives to groups meetings –                      Be aware of noise, light, smell, colour &

           embarrassed to check understanding                                  update via 1:1 for example                              temperature which can overwhelm

                                                             A paperless office can discriminate as some people
                                                                      work better with printed documents.
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