Page 34 - Neurodiversity Awareness Session GW slides
P. 34

Access to Work: Funding for support

                                                                                     It can cover                      Neurodiverse
                                             Provides practical &
                                             financial support to                  adaptations to                     conditions are
          Access to Work is a                                                         premises &                         protected

             publicly funded                 disabled people or                 equipment, special                characteristics under
         employment support                   those with a long                     aids, strategy                   the Equality Act
                                               term physical or
               programme.                                                            coaching, &                       2010, making
                                                 mental health                  awareness training                   neurominorities
                                                                                for your colleagues.               eligible for support.

                                                                                                                  100% of the cost of

                                                                                Your employer can                       coaching &
           Upon application,                                                       then purchase                       awareness is
           you can expect to                 Access to Work will

                receive an                      provide a grant                     equipment or                          covered.
         assessment within a                          value.                   services & claim the              Employers may need
                                                                                                                  to contribute toward
                                                                                funds back against
                few weeks.
                                                                                      the grant.                       equipment or

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