Page 13 - Unit 7 Understanding Physical Stressors
P. 13

Over sensitivity to sound can be a big       Over-sensitivity to colour & light can also be  When children have over responsiveness to
     trigger for children.  We can reduce         a big issue for children with sensory              tactile sensory stimuli, their brain can’t take
     these difficulties in a variety of ways.     processing difficulties, as well as individuals  its focus from the sensation, leading to
     ▪ The key to supporting children is          with ADHD/ASC.                                     difficulty in maintaining attention, high
       increasing their own awareness of the      ▪ Teach children ‘light & colour awareness’ and    anxiety and de-regulation.
       impact of sound on their well-being.         its impact on their levels of stimulation and    ▪ Much of the time, this is going on sub-
     ▪  Teach children ‘sound awareness’ and its    well-being.                                        consciously, so the child isn’t fully aware of what
       impact on their levels of stimulation and   ▪ Ensure rooms are clutter-free and organised       is causing the anxiety. With all of these physical
       emotional well-being.                        with a place for everything. Ensure there are      triggers, the first step is helping children to
     ▪ Trial different levels of sound and music    spaces in rooms which are decorated in simple      notice and develop awareness of body
       and ask children to ‘feel’ its impact on     neutral colours so colour is not overwhelming.     sensations.
       their bodies and feelings.                 ▪ In schools, create a school culture in which     ▪ Teach children about sensory over and under
     ▪ Provide equipment for children who           anyone can suggest blinds are shut.                responsiveness of the skin.
       appear to have over-responsiveness to      ▪ When replacing lights, ensure dimmer switches  ▪ Talk about tactile sensations and help children
       sound. Let children choose and trial         are installed.                                     recognise the skin sensations they enjoy or don’t
       different equipment so they feel in        ▪ Where dimmers are not available, switch only       enjoy.
       control – e.g. some children feel too        some lights on and give the child the choice of   ▪ Provide lots of tactile activities for children to
       conspicuous wearing ear defenders but        where to sit.                                      explore so they begin to develop better
       may feel ok wearing ear buds (there are    ▪ Ensure the opportunity for children to work and    awareness. Help them cope with tactile
       small, transparent versions on the           play in areas which are shaded.                    sensations little by little and be in charge of
       market:                                    ▪ If you feel light sensitivity is an issue, request   progress.
     ▪ Ensure noise reduction in rooms as much      further assessment from the GP.                  ▪ For schools, ensure uniform policies
       as possible. These needn’t be expensive:  ▪ Special sunglasses to reduce light and glare are    accommodate children with tactile sensory
       use innovative, cost-effective strategies    available which can make a big difference to       processing difficulties.
       such as halved tennis balls on chair legs.   individuals with over-responsiveness to light.   ▪ When children appear distracted or anxious,
                                                                                                       check whether sensory overload is at play.
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