P. 13

FOLLOW UP: REPAIR                                                                            COACHING FOR CHANGE

     Adults always carry out repair with a child if anyone has been affected by their actions.    When a child is struggling, adults do everything possible to help them fill their cups and
     The certainty of this means everyone knows their needs are taken seriously. Adults make      build their skills so they gradually start to do better.
     sure there is not a permissive culture.                                                      Adults know there aren’t miracles - it will take time.

     Adults schedule a specific time for repair, following the school’s procedures.               Adults work with the SENDCo and other staff to make sure that the most challenging children
     Adults use visual cues, like this picture on the right, especially when                      have regular scheduled times for coaching with a named adult.
     working with young children, to help them be clear on the purpose and
     expectations of the discussion.                                                              During these sessions, adults or a named member of staff, work with the child/ren to really
                                                                                                  find out which cups are empty, which ‘Feel Good Chemicals need substituting in helpful ways
     Adults make sure the child making amends knows s/he wasn’t ‘bad’ and instead knows that      and the skills needing to be built – they are always ‘Curious Not Furious’ during these
     the thing they found difficult / how their own needs were met wasn’t good for those          sessions and focus on helping the child to feel better and do better.
     around them and that repair is very important.
                                                                                                  Adults notice children’s strengths by shining a light on their ‘bright spots’ and when they are
     Adults use ‘Chair Swap Perspectives’ (see toolkit) to help the child consider how it was for   ‘at their best’ before adults launch into exploring difficulties.
     other people. If the child finds this hard, adults ask those involved to say how it was for
     them using the Speak Up 4 Better tool (adults might ask those affected if they are able to   Adults help the child to make plans. Adults do not make them on their own – though adults
     do this face-to-face or a make a quick video clip – it only takes a minute - if they want to do   may have to suggest ideas, especially for younger children, and help put it together. Adults
     this – if not, adults speak on their behalf).                                                know that children developing their own plans with the guidance from adults is important to
                                                                                                  secure their motivation for change and ‘buy-in’.
     If the child who affected others says they don’t care, adults explain that empathy is a skill
     – we’re not born with it - and it is important something is put in place to help them improve   Adults record the plan in a way that the child can understand and use so they can take charge
     this skill as it is a really important one – just like being able to swim, read or count.    of tracking their own progress (see our individual plan templates).

     Although it sounds as if all of this will take lots of time and time is very limited, adults   Adults help the child plan a Pathway to Independence so that the child know that they are
     know that it will save huge amounts of time in the future for everyone.                      heading towards feeling great without all the extras.
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