Page 8 - Geo S3 07.06.22
P. 8
Are the smells around here Is my clothing comfortable? Is my brain and body feeling Is lack of exercise/too much
Is it too noisy? Is it too light/bright?
(good or bad) too strong? tired and sleep deprived? screen time at play?
Can I dim the lights? Shut the Can I change my clothing for How can I help my body to feel
Do I need to wear some noise curtains/shades? Do I need to Can I reduce the smells by now? Can I negotiate changes to How can I energise myself for better right now (e.g. walk
cancelling ear buds or move to a opening the window or moving now? How can I improve my
quieter space? ask for some slightly shaded non- away from its source? clothing I am asked to wear e.g. sleep in the longer term? outside). How about in the
prescription glasses? to uniform? longer term?