Page 55 - Course 1 Shifting Mindset: What is the best approach for supporting children and why?
P. 55

B. Supporting skill development:

           I have good pro-social                                                                        I have a strong moral

                           skills                                                                                     compass

            I can regulate my energy and                                                                  I know the right thing to do in

           emotions. I can be flexible and                                                                       different situations.
             compromise. I can manage                                                                      I want to do the right thing

                          impulses.                                                                       and have the skills to do it,

                                                                                                            whether or not someone is
           This means that my words and                                                                                 watching.

             actions are good for others                          Skills for
                        around me.                                                                        I am intrinsically motivated to

                                                                the future                              be pro-social & keep to the law.

            I have good learning                                                                              I am emotionally

                           skills                                                                                   intelligent

            I have the skills to learn and                                                               I recognise my own needs and

                         study well.                                                                             the needs of others.

           I can and do apply these skills                                                                  I want others to feel good,

             to learning in and outside of                                                                 whether or not they are my
               school. I am intrinsically                                                                 friends and whether they are

           motivated to achieve my best.                                                                     similar or different to me.
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