Page 62 - Course 1 Shifting Mindset: What is the best approach for supporting children and why?
P. 62

Control works for the moment but

                                  it doesn’t educate for the future.

         WHAT WE KNOW / UNDERSTAND                                                          PICTURE PROMPTS

         1 ▪ Controlling  children  through  rewards  and  punishments

                may work well in the short-term but it does not help work

                out why they are struggling in the first place – the unmet

                needs and missing skills.

         2 ▪ Beware of doing too much for a child and ‘fixing’ things for

                the moment.

             ▪ This  stops  the  child  problem-solving  for  themselves  and

                practising skills; it also gives them the message that they
                are  not  capable  of  doing  things  without  you  which  can

                lead to helplessness.

         3   ▪ You may need to do more to help a child at the start but

                 always plan a Pathway to Independence so there is a plan
                 for them to manage on their own in the end.

         4   ▪ Caring and educating children takes lots of skills – from
                 the resilience of a fitness instructor to the patience of a
                 paramedic and precision of a surgeon.
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