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166 Deception at Work


In recent years, many of the large English Law firms put out papers, held lunches, breakfasts,
teas, suppers, soirées, love-ins, workshops and clinics on the Human Rights Act 1998, RIPA
and other worrisome legislation. It is flavour of the year. The result has been to spread panic
and dismay among the great unwashed in investigative communities and to deter victims of
fraud from retaining them, unless under the umbrella of the law firm concerned. This is clever
marketing by the lawyers, and who can blame them?

    The legislation, subject to forebodings of immediate doom has included those in Table 5.5:

Table 5.5 Effects of legislation on investigatory procedures

Law or regulation                                   What you can do
What the chattering classes say you cannot do       How to do it

Computer Misuse Act 1990                            There is no restriction on accessing the
You cannot carry out a covert examination of an     company’s own equipment
employee’s computer                                 A policy along the lines of page [xref] would
You cannot passively collect emanations from a      allow companies to examine personal
computer                                            computers owned by the employee and used
                                                    for business purposes
                                                    There is no restriction

Copyright Act 1945                                  This may be a civil breach. The wronged
You cannot photocopy trash without the owner’s      party would have to show that he had been
permission                                          financially damaged

Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and      This act only applies where entry onto premises
Vagrancy Act 1861                                   is related to a criminal act. Trash collection (see
You cannot enter onto enclosed premises to pick up  page [xref]) should never be a crime

Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996      Disclosure will be determined by lawyers at the
You have to disclose intelligence to the opposing   appropriate time. Confidential informants and
side. Therefore, it is best not to record it        privileged information can be protected

Customs and Excise Management Act 1979              CORRECT. This is illegal (under Section 13)
Impersonating an officer is a criminal offence       and impersonating any official should not be

Data Protection Act 1998                            All incorrect. It is wise to make sure that
You cannot access call logging information          registration under the Data Protection Act is
You cannot access personnel files                    comprehensive. There are exceptions when
You cannot use personal data for automated fraud    crime is being prevented or detected
detection purposes
You cannot use pretext investigations
You cannot get out of bed in the morning

Freedom of Information Act 2000                     The act has been delayed or abandoned until

This will have a major impact on the access right s of 2004

people and companies to sensitive information

Human Rights Act 1998                               The act is not a charter for crooks and, properly
May be used as a reason for doing nothing           interpreted is fair and sensible
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