Page 168 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
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Planning Investigations and Legal Background for Tough Interviews 169

ligence is dismissed but it is critical and turning it into ‘evidence’ calls for a combination of
legal and investigative skills.


    Evidence is simply facts, relating to a matter in issue, which are admissible in court

Ultimately, the judge in the case concerned, will decide what is admissible and what it not.
There is nothing magic or difficult about evidence. There are a number of categories of evi-
dence as shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6 Types of evidence

Type of evidence               How it is presented in court               How it is collated by the
Examples                                                                  investigator

Oral evidence                  Given on oath from the witness box         In statements (including his
What the suspect said when he  by a person with first hand knowledge       own), Proofs of Evidence,
was interviewed                of the facts at issue                      affidavits or transcripts of
                                                                          tape recordings

Documentary evidence           Produced by a witness as part of           Originals, copies and
False purchase invoices        his oral evidence. Items which are         schedules prepared by the
                               produced to a court by a witness are       witnesses
                               normally called ‘EXHIBITS’

Photocopies of original        Produced by a witness as part of his       Copies, extracts and
exhibits                       oral evidence, providing the court         schedules prepared by a
Photocopies of sales invoices  is satisfied that the originals are no      witness
                               longer available

Copies of overseas bank        Produced by an employee from the           Certified copies and
accounts and other records     bank concerned as part of his oral         schedules prepared by the
                               evidence or by another witness under       witness
                               the Criminal Evidence Acts

Real evidence                  Produced by a witness as part of his       Produced in court or
Stolen goods and weapons       oral evidence                              illustrated by photographs

Tape and video recordings Produced by a witness as part of his            The original recording
Of interviews with the suspect oral evidence                              and a transcript may be
or telephone calls made by him                                            produced in court

Expert evidence                Expert evidence is one of the main         Proof of Evidence or
Opinion by a computer          exceptions to the hearsay rule. The        statement
technician                     Expert may give evidence under oath
                               of his opinion concerning some or all
                               of the facts in issue

Computerized evidence          Produced by a witness as part of his oral  Proof of Evidence or
Disks, tapes, print outs etc   evidence. The witness must be able         statement. Original or
                               to establish the exhibit was produced      copies of computer media
                               in the normal course of business on a
                               computer of proven reliability
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