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12 Deception at Work
• ensure that your decisions are based on accurate information;
• avoid unpleasant surprises in your business and commercial life;
• make you more capable and confident in your job, whatever it is;
• enable you to conduct audits and special investigations more effectively;
• enable you to find the truth when dishonesty is suspected.
By understanding the nature of deception, obtaining the tools and honing your interview
skills you can quickly get to the truth in 97.24 per cent of all cases and you can do so politely,
in your own way and without causing controversy.
Who knows wins
We also hope you will find this book interesting and fun. Not everyone has a sense of hu-
mour and the idea of having fun at work may be abhorrent. This is a serious book, but humour
has its place and helps you remember important points because it registers in the brain in a
different way from most other memories.
Internalizing techniques
You can internalize – or make second nature – most of the techniques recommended in this
book by:
• Highlighting the points you believe are most relevant and putting Post-it stickers on pages
you regard as important to you.
• Thoroughly examining the tables and diagrams, again using a highlighter. Consciously
watching and listening to what people do and say in every meeting from today onwards: if
you take a real interest in people you will find discovering the truth is easy.
• Watching television programmes very carefully, especially interviews with politicians and
football managers and, of course, Blind Date (where contestants say one thing and their
bodies say another).
• Trying out the techniques in day-to-day conversations.
Within a short time, the techniques will become second nature. Please believe this!
For any liar reading this, remember: if we or any of our readers (who have this book on their
desk and in their golf bags) ever have to interview you, you will be a very soft touch simply
because you will know – without being able to remember all of the detail – that you have two
uncontrollable monkeys on your back. These are your subconscious and memory and they
eat into liars’ brains.
This book covers ‘interviewing skills’, which can be defined as:
• the capability to find the truth;
• in all situations;