Page 44 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 44

Signs of Deception 85


To achieve his objectives a liar may consciously use a number of tactics in the following ways.

Silence or explanation

Innocent people who believe they are being wrongly accused usually demand the right to
explain. Their emotions run deep and are consistent. They are committed to their positions
and little will deflect them. On the other hand, liars frequently claim the privilege of silence
– either directly or, more usually, through their legal advisers.

    Innocence demands the right of explanation.
    Guilt claims the privilege of silence

    In 99.24 per cent of cases, refusal to answer a question has to be viewed as an admission
that there is no believable explanation. Of course, there are exceptions, such as where a per-
son has been treated unfairly by the organization concerned or has no confidence that his
explanation will be reported accurately. Genuine cases of this nature are very rare. It is also
very unusual for a suspect to commit himself so that he accepts personal responsibility for re-
fusing to answer questions. Usually his failure to answer is blamed on his legal advisers, some
feigned illness, deafness, inability to speak the language, muteness, unavoidable absence on
a prolonged trip to Mongolia, family catastrophe, religion, curvature of the earth – or legiti-
mized in some other way.

TERMINAL CANCER                                anchovy and tuna sandwiches by the score.
                                               He was intercepted while in the throes of
Two senior businessmen based in Singapore      doing a vigorous dance to the Chubby
were suspected of stealing $35 million from    Checker record ‘Let’s do the twist’ and
their employers and failed to turn up for      taken to a private room for an interview.
interviews with auditors on the grounds that   Although he initially claimed he was too ill
the first had checked himself into hospital     to cooperate, he eventually relented, and
with terminal stomach cancer and the other     called his colleague out of the monastery to
had seen the error of his ways and joined a    join him; together they ate more anchovy
monastery. A few weeks later investigators     and tuna sandwiches while they confessed
were retained, and true enough both men        to fraud and told investigators where the
were indisposed although they were known       proceeds had been stashed. It all seemed
to be talking regularly with each other on     to be going so well until defence lawyers
the telephone. Investigators established that  argued that they had been under the
the cancer victim’s daughter was about to      influence of alcohol at the time and thus
get married and they kept observation on       their confessions would not be admissible
the wedding service and checked into the       in the criminal courts. The case was settled
hotel where the reception was to be held.      by negotiation and to no-one’s amazement
Sure enough the manager did look ill and       the cancer was cured and the religious zeal
walked into and out of the church with great   dissipated. Both men went back to their
difficulty.                                     usual ways, although they were $20 million
                                               less rich.
   But later on, at the reception, he was
the life and soul of the party and was seen
drinking vast amounts of brandy and eating
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