Page 57 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 57

98 Deception at Work

YOU WILL NEVER GET ME                              by entertaining his mistress at a local
                                                   hotel but had them misdescribed as
At a celebratory dinner following a                dinners or meetings with clients, trade
very successful investigation when ten             union representatives etc. and paid for
employees confessed to fraud, a senior             by his employer. The hotel reported the
manager told the investigators, ‘I am bloody       investigation to the senior manager,
amazed that these guys confessed. If ever          explaining that it had no alternative but to
you came after me, I would say nothing’.           supply the correct documentation. When
One investigator – who did not like or trust       the manager appeared at the first interview
the senior manager – replied, ‘It’s a different    with the investigators he said, ‘I remember
matter when you are in the barrel, Bill. If        what you told me at that dinner. I am dead
ever we had to interview you, you would be         in the water and I will tell you everything. I
a soft touch, so remember that.’ Everyone          do not want to go through the pressure of
went quiet but the matter dropped.                 trying to lie to you. I have not slept for days
                                                   thinking about this moment.’
   A couple of years later investigators
discovered that the senior manager had
incurred thousands of pounds in costs

Deception seems easy until it is your turn in the barrel.
If you think telling the truth is difficult, try lying.
Making first person singular, past tense denials is hard if you are lying: they are too committed

Table 4.3 Summary of denials and pseudo-denials

Wording of the apparent denial                     Interpretation

‘I did not take the money’                         FPSPT, bold, brief and totally committed
‘I did not do it’                                  Probably true

‘I don’t steal’ (in response to a specific question: This is not a denial to a specific accusation but a

‘Did you take the cash from the safe?’)            generalization and is probably false

‘I would not steal from the company’               Conditional-passive

‘I should like to think I would never be suspected Probably not true

of that’

‘I could not have taken the money, because I did This is an objection

not have the keys to the office’                    Probably untrue

‘I know in my own mind I am innocent’              Any reference to his internal thoughts, ‘heart’ or
                                                   ‘mind’ should be treated with great care
                                                   Probably untrue

‘There is not a shred of evidence and no proof     This may be a subjective truth, but is not a denial
that I took the money’                             Probably untrue

‘I have been with the company for 40 years and     Extended introduction to what appears to be a
have worked hard and loyally. I am upset that      bold denial
anyone should think I was responsible for this. I  Probably untrue
did not do it’
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