Page 62 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 62

Signs of Deception 103

Symptoms of deception       Examples and comments                                    Significance
                                                                                     10 = High
CONSCIOUS and unconscious                                                            0 = Low

CONTRIVED ANGER AT THE      Note that the verbal outburst of feigned anger           10
START OF THE INTERVIEW      usually occurs before the facial expression and is
OR NOT IN RESPONSE TO A     transient. Genuine anger usually results from a specific
RELEVANT QUESTION           stimulation, such as a question

THREATENING VIOLENCE        ‘I know where you live and you will be getting a visit   5
                            from my brothers’
                            ‘You and I better step outside, right now and sort this

ACTUAL VIOLENCE             If the suspect attacks you, he has lost the fight         10

THREATENING OTHER           ‘If you try and carry on with this investigation I will  8
PROBLEMS AND DIRE           have a few things to say to the Inland Revenue’
CONSEQUENCES                ‘I will report the company to the Fraud Squad’
                            ‘I will expose the MD for his shenanigans’

THREATENING LEGAL ACTION ‘That is slander and I am going to my lawyer’               5
                                             ‘I will prosecute you personally’
                                             ‘You are discriminating against me’

CHALLENGING THE EVIDENCE    ‘You have no evidence of that …’                         10
                            ‘There is no proof’
                            ‘There is not a shred of evidence in my public life of
                            any wrongdoing’ (Bill Clinton)
                            ‘You will have to prove that’
                            ‘I hope you have some evidence of that’

ATTACKING A QUESTION        ‘That is a stupid question’                              8
                            ‘I do not have to answer that sort of crap’
                            ‘I am not going to justify that with an answer’
                            ‘I can’t believe you asked me that’

RAISING SPURIOUS ISSUES     ‘Before I answer that, you better tell me about the      8
                            company’s problems with tax evasion’

FALSIFYING EVIDENCE         Producing false documents                                10
SUBMITTING FALSE ALIBIS,    Producing deceitful witnesses
DESTROYING EVIDENCE AND     Threatening witnesses

COMPLAINING ABOUT           ‘I have never been treated fairly here’                  5
UNFAIR TREATMENT            ‘You have always wanted to fire me’

SYNTAX                      Using obscenities                                        8

PARALINGUISTICS             Shouting, fast speed of delivery                         10

NON-VERBAL CLUES            Aggressive body language                                 10
                            Using pointing gestures or a closed fist
                            Aggressive facial expressions

ATTITUDE                    Feigned anger                                            10
                            Irrational justification of his position
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