Page 208 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 208

Expert Reports              13/09/2016  CJO          Grade D    Planning - discussion with KEA regarding the conference.   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             KEA saying it would be best to have both experts on the
                                                                             phone together so the con should be at 5.30 pm as this is
                                                                             when Mr Mitchell is free. CJO adding the con details to KEA's
            Pre-Action Costs              16/09/2016  KEA         Grade B    E-mails - counsel to adv still ongoing                   0.10   £325.00     £32.50
             Expert Reports              03/10/2016  CJO          Grade D    E-mail to Dr Meehan's secretary regarding the con.      0.10   £165.00      £16.50
             Expert  Reports              04/10/2016  CJO         Grade D    E-mail to Mr Mitchell's secretary re the con             0.10   £165.00     £16.50
            Expert Reports               20/10/2016  KEA          Grade B    Consideration Dr Meehan's report - see note             0.50   £325.00     £162.50
            Expert Reports                20/10/2016 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls to SDS leavingVM to call back           0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Expert Reports                21/10/2016  KEA         Grade B    Telephone calls - with client. Going through Dr M report,  0.60   £325 .00   £195.00
                                                                             explaining why it is helpful.  He had a meeting with Easyjet.
                                                                             He has been let go.  There are no jobs at Gatwick and ones at
                                                                             Luton aren't really suitable. In terms of training, he hasn't
                                                                             done this before so can't start doing that with them straight
                                                                             away. he understands that the training market is quite
                                                                             saturated, so he worries about investing a lot of money
                                                                             without a guaranteed income/ job at the end of it. He thinks
                                                                             D's ENT more thorought than Mr M. Better tests. D's expert
                                                                             querying if he should be driving. KEA adv he should follow up
                                                                             as would be catastrophic if he did not and caused accident.
                                                                             SS says was passing remark and will raise with Dr Min con.

            Issue I Statements of Case   21/10/2016 KEA           Grade B    Drafting instructions to counsel                         0.80   £325.00    £260.00
            Issue/ Statements of Case    25/10/2016  KEA          Grade B    Planning with Partner lu note 1 u                       0.20   £325.00      £65.00
            Expert Reports               25/10/2016 TJD           Grade A    Meetings - report in from Dr Meehan supports case re    0.10   £400.00      £40.00
                                                                             psych. con next week and thereafter issue.
            Pre-Action Costs             26/10/2016  KEA          Grade B    Drafting instructions                                   2.10   £325.00     £682.50
            Disclosure                    27/10/2016  CJO         Grade D    E-mail to Easyjet for updated disclosure. CJO having to  0.40   £165.00     £66.00
                                                                             peruse previous correspondence with Easyjet to find the
                                                                             dates of previous disclosure.
            Expert Reports               27/10/2016  CJO          Grade D    Perusing and Sorting Documents - preparing x5 bundles to  2.10   £165.00   £346.50
                                                                             go to counsel 1  experts and client ahead on Monday's con.
                                                   i                         CJO still to copy employment records

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