Page 203 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 203
Issue/ Statements of Case 04/05/2016 KEA Grade B Perusing and Sorting Documents - looking at multipliers etc 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
for loss of earnings claim. Just on base salary (93k) the
multiplier is 10.16 to compulsory retirement age at 60. This
gives a figure of £953,221.36. Deciding not to put this figure
in my letter of advice because it is unrealistic. Counsel has
already advised that SS will have to work -the D / Court will
never accept he should never work again. We don't know
what work he is likely to do or how much he will get paid.
Therefore I cannot discount the above figure appropriately.
Instead, I will refer to the figure for LOE being in the
hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Pre-Action Costs 04/05/2016 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
ADR / Settlement Discussions 05/05/2016 KEA GradeB Letter to client re settlement 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
ADR / Settlement Discussions 05/05/2016 KEA Grade B Planning with TJD re letter to client. TJD making 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
amendments to reflect not confirming next steps now. TJD
wants to consider case more carefully and whether or not
we will get directions for those experts.
Pre-Action Costs 05/05/2016 TJD Grade A Consideration of KEA's ltr to client re settlement offer, and 0.40 £400.00 £160.00
general strategy discussion; redrafting ltr
Pre-Action Costs 05/05/2016 KEA Grade B Telephone calls with client. See long note. 0.50 £325.00 £162.50
Disclosure 05/05/2016 00 Grade D Telephone call to the CAA on 01293567171 to enquire 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
whether they hold any additional records. 00 speaking to
Liz and being told to email the request to
Disclosure 05/05/2016 00 Grade D E-mail to the CAA requesting records; KEA checking and 0.60 £165.00 £99.00
asking 00 to draft it as a letter to email to the CAA so KEA
can forward the letter to the claimant.
: Pre-Action Costs 06/05/2016 KEA Grade B E-mails to SS 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Pre-Action Costs 10/05/2016 KEA Grade B E-mails to SS 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
I Disclosure 12/05/2016 00 Grade D E-mail to the CAA chasing a response to our request for 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
disclosure of any additional records.
Disclosure 17 /05/2016_ 00 Grade D Telephone call from Jane Campbell at the CAA medical 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
records department. They require an updated form of 1
authority before they can release the records.
Bates Number000203