Page 200 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 200
Pre-Action Costs 17/03/2016 KEA Grade B Telephone calls to Diamond. Speaking to Lucy Evans. They 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
will not give me their insured's address over the phone even
though it is for a claim form. CW is unavailable. There is no-
one senior in that team that I can speak to in his place. She
will leave a msg for him to call me back. Explained I have
already done that twice and he has not returned my call. She
said that he had provided me with their nominated
solicitor's details on 20.11. Adv that I don't believe that is the
case. She will send by email and took my email address.
Pre-Action Costs 17/03/2016 KEA Grade B Telephone calls to client. KEA updating client with all to 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
Diamond. Discussing with client - RF advice is that we delay
issue until his condition is permanent and we know whether
or not he will have to retrain for a different career. At that
point we will be able to finalise and serve our evidence and
this will be more efficient in terms of cost and time than
issuing and getting into a court directions timetable without
knowing where we are going with the claim. Against this is
that we have no power to force D to make IP without being
in proceedings. We could issue and then would have four
moths to serve, but we would be taking the steps we
threatened. We don't want to look weak by not pressing on
as we don't want to look like we don't have confidence in
our own case. Client saying that subject to TJD views, he
would rather wait. He says that if Diamond are engaging and
I do make him some payment, he would rather wait.
However, if not, we should press on. KEA and client agreeing
that we will speak tomorrow.
Pre-Action Costs 17/03/2016 KEA Grade B Telephone calls - leaving msg on Christopher's voicemail for 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
the second time and requesting a call back. Noting that I had
left a message yesterday, and asked to be called back before
5.30pm yesterday and had not heard from him.
Issue / Statements of Case 17/03/2016 KEA Grade B Planning with 00 re claim form. 0.30 £325.00 £97.50
i Issue/ Statements of Case 17/03/2016 00 Grade D Letter to the court enclosing claim form 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Bates Number000200