Page 196 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 196
Disclosure 16/02/2016 KEA Grade B Planning with TJD - deciding how to set out schedule and 0.30 £325.00 £97.50
whether all payslips should be analysed. Deciding not. Can
do this later but not proportionate at present.
Disclosure 17/02/2016 KEA Grade B employment records and records from private healthcare. 0.30 £325.00 £97.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 17/02/2016 KEA Grade B Drafting schedule 4.50 £325.00 £1,462.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/02/2016 KEA Grade B Drafting SOI and letter to client and letter to D. Checking 2.50 £325.00 £812.50
expert report.
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/02/2016 KEA Grade B Drafting - minor amends to SOL to reflect TJO comments 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/02/2016 KEA Grade B E-mails to client re prelim schedule 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/02/2016 KEA Grade B Planning- TJD and KEA discussing prelim SOL Discussing 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
subrogated claim and how we will respond.
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/02/2016 KEA Grade B Telephone calls from client. Cirencester want FOA to write to 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
us. He will send us a copy of what they are asking him to sign
so we can advise him further. They will pay full salary for 12
months, 75% for next 12 months and 50% for 12 months
after that. Explaining how subrogated claims work and what
that might mean for his claim. He understands. Confirming
SOL being checked by TJD and then will come to him.
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/02/2016 TJD Grade A Consideration of draft schedule prepared by KEA and 0.50 £400.00 £200.00
discussion with her
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/02/2016 TJD Grade A Meetings with KEA re client's comments on the schedule 0.20 £400.00 £80.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/02/2016 KEA Grade B Telephone calls - see file note 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/02/2016 KEA Grade B E-mails with client. Drafting response, discussing schedule 2.00 £325.00 £650.00
with TJD and my proposed response. Considering strategy
with him.
Contingent Cost A 19/02/2016 KEA Grade B Letter TO Cirencester Friendly 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Disclosure 19/02/2016 CJO Grade D E-mail to Georgina Makes at Easyjet to request the 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
i claimant's contract of employment
Contingent Cost A 23/02/2016 KEA Grade B Drafting - amending letter to Insurer 0 . 10 £325.00 £32.50
Disclosure 25/02/2016 CJO Grade D Perusing and Sorting Documents - adding payslips and P60s 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
I to the employment records file (missing records disclosed by
i the claimant). CJO amending the index
Bates Number000196