Page 192 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 192

Disclosure                   19/01/2016 CJ0          Grade D    Letters to: Dr Lloyd and Dr Matharu to request a full set of   1.00   £165.00   £165.00
                                                                             records. CJ0 having to look up their correspondence details
                                                                             and set them up on MatterCentre as an Associate first.
                                                                             Emails to Dr Orton and Dr King's secretaries to request
                                                                             updated records.
            Disclosure                   19/01/2016 CJ0          Grade D     Perusing and Sorting Documents - sorting, filing and    0.30   £165.00      £49.50
                                                                            paginating updated correspondence from Dr Orton. CJ0
                                                                             amending the index.
            Disclosure                   20/01/2016 CJ0          Grade D     Perusing and Sorting Documents - copying medical records   1.00   £165.00   £165.00
                                                                             and disc to disclose to the defendant.
            Pre-Action Costs             21/01/2016 KEA          Grade B     Planning with 00 re no records from Easyjet yet         0.20   £325.00      £65.00
            Disclosure                   22/01/2016 00           Grade D     E-mail to the claimant's HR regarding disclosure of his  0.10   £165.00     £16.50
                                                                             employment records
            Disclosure                   22/01/2016 00           Grade D     E-mail to the claimant to update him on his employment  0.10   £165.00      £16.50
            Disclosure                   25/01/2016 CJ0          GradeD      Completing the schedule of medical records requests with   0.30   £165.00   £49.50
                                                                             requests made last week
            Disclosure                   25/01/2016 00           Grade D     Telephone call from the National Hospital of Neurology and   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             neurosurgery to say the claimant has never attended the
                                                                             hospital and they have no records regarding him. 00
                                                                             making a note of this on the medical records schedule
            Disclosure                   25/01/2016 KEA          Grade B     E-mails re NB report/ notes.                            0.50   £325.00     £162.50
            Disclosure                   27/01/2016 CJ0          Grade D     Telephone call from Dr Bayliss. 00 explaining that we simply  0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             want the medical notes and do not want him to produce a
                                                                             report. CJO explaining we could not use his report in court
                                                                             and it would not be recoverable. 00 also explaining that the
                                                                             costs for him providing us with the notes are to be passed on
                                                   '                         to kingsley napley and NOT the client. He didn't seem to
                                                                             understand this and said he has already told the client it will
                                                                             be passed on to him.  00 explaining that it is a disbursement
                                                                             under the claim that we can recover from the defendant at
                                                                             the end of the case and for the invoice to be made to KN. He
                                                   I                         agreed to do this. 00 updating KEA on the same.

                                                                             Bates Number000192
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