Page 193 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 193

Disclosure                   27/01/2016 CJO          Grade D    Telephone call to Dr Nick Bayliss - he wrote to the claimant   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             to say he was preparing a report for us; seems to be a
                                                                            misunderstanding as we simply requested the claimant's
                                                                            medical notes. CJO calling to confirm we just want the
                                                                            medical notes. It went to voicemail so CJO leaving a message
                                                                             asking him to call back.
            Disclosure                   27/01/2016 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to the claimant updating him his employment      0.10   £165.00      £16.50
            Disclosure                   27/01/2016 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to Georgina at Easyjet to confirm receipt of the  0.10   £165.00     £16.50
                                                                             employment records and to note that we are awaiting his
                                                                             payroll reports
            Disclosure                   27/01/2016 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to Easjet attaching two documents. see email for full  0.20   £165.00   £33.00
           Disclosure                    27/01/2016 KEA          GradeB      Perusing and Sorting Documents - reviewing employment   3.70   £325.00   £1,202.50
            Disclosure                   27/01/2016 KEA          Grade B     Telephone calls to client. leaving vm to call back.     0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Disclosure                   02/02/2016 KEA          Grade B     Telephone calls to client. Explaining that I have his   0.30   £325.00      £97.50
                                                                             employment records (exc. payslips) and that these are all as
                                                                             expected. I left him a vm last week to discuss this. Explaining
                                                                             must get payslip recs from Easyjet as independent source.
                                                                             No fatigue reports. These are important to client case as
                                                                             sickness records mention Migraine which means different
                                                                             things to different people. Fatigue reports will offer a
                                                                             comparison between SS records pre accident vs post
                                                                             accident. Fatigue reports are filed with CAA. client will
                                                                             investigate who we should contact there and will let me
                                                                             know.  SS continues to be worried about no pay from April.
                                                                             Explaining we need to send a bundle of documents that
                                                                             really underlines to D that they must make a substantial IP. If
                                                                             send only half there is a risk they'll refuse/ make another
                                                                             offer of £2k which client has already told me is not enough
                                                                             for him/ his life.

            Disclosure                   02/02/2016  KEA          Grade B    Perusing and Sorting Documents - employment records and   2.00   £325.00   £650.00

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