Page 199 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 199

Pre-Action Costs              10/03/2016 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls with Chris at Diamond. Because of how their   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                             post system works, he only got the documents on 8 March.
                                                                             He will try and deal with this. Advthat they are on notice re
                                                                             costs - if we have to issue and serve and make app and
                                                                             instruct counsel etc. then costs to their client will be greatly
                                                                             increased. Explaining SS financial situation and that this must
                                                                             be resolved. He understands.
            Pre-Action  Costs            10/03/2016 KEA           Grade B    Telephone calls from client. Can we ring Cirencester adv no   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                             and give same advice as recent email re escalation.
            Pre-Action Costs              10/03/2016  KEA         Grade B    E-mails to client re Diamond                            0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Pre-Action Costs              16/03/2016 KEA          Grade B    E-mails to client                                       0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Pre-Action Costs              16/03/2016  KEA         Grade B    Telephone calls with D. Leaving msg to call back asap.  0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Pre-Action Costs              17/03/2016 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls with Chris Wynn. He is concerned about  0.30   £325.00      £97.50
                                                                             causation as client was able to return to work and able to fly
                                                                             for so long. KEA explaining that client flew less hours and
                                                                             filed many more fatigue reports. In any event, he is certified
                                                                             as unfit to fly. KEA confirming she has never known a
                                                                             Claimant more motivated to return to work.  He has used all
                                                                             his savings and sold all his shares to be able to live, is funding
                                                                             all of his medical treatment and is doing all he can. CW
                                                                             asking if he will see an expert. Confirming he will. CW asking
                                                                             for direct access to medical records. KEA confirming we
                                                                             don't do, and in any event has had all records. KEA
                                                                             confirming ENT evidence cannot be finalised as his condition
                                                                             is not certain until he has had all treatment. He is trying very
                                                                             hard to do this but is running out offunds. CW has been
                                                                             unable to review all documents but has promised he will do
                                                                             so by 23 March.

                                                                             Bates Number000199
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