Page 230 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
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Issue/ Statements of case 02/08/2017 RAL Grade A Planning - discussion with KEA re forensic accountancy 0.20 £400.00 £80.00
report received from client's father-in-law; content thereof
and how to respond to client re strategy
Issue/ Statements of Case 02/08/2017 KEA Grade B Letter TO client 1.90 £325.00 £617.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 02/08/2017 KEA Grade B Planning for call with client 0.90 £325.00 £292.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 02/08/2017 KEA Grade B Telephone calls note of call 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 03/08/2017 KEA Grade B Planning with KLR - discussing letter drafted and drafting 0.50 £325.00 £162.50
alternative to consider.
CMC 03/08/2017 KLR Grade A Preparing files and noting required steps. 0.70 £400.00 £280.00
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 03/08/2017 KEA Grade B Drafting letter to client 0.90 £0.00 £0.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 04/08/2017 KEA Grade B Drafting instructions to counsel 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
Expert Reports 04/08/2017 RAL Grade A Consideration of draft instructions to counsel prepared by 0.20 £400.00 £80.00
KEA and annotating the same with suggested amendments
Issue/ Statements of Case 04/08/2017 KEA Grade B Telephone calls with D. Have filed AofS and will file defence 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
re causation. Have recommended to client that they make
Issue/ Statements of Case 08/08/2017 EJV Grade D Letter to client - costs update 0.30 £0.00 £0.00
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 11/08/2017 EJV Grade D Drafting costs update letter. 0.40 £0.00 £0.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 14/08/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to D 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 14/08/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 16/08/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/08/2017 RAL Grade A Planning discussion with KEA re response to client's email 0.10 £400.00 £40.00
about going on hiking holiday
Issue/ Statements of Case 18/08/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Issue I Statements of Case 30/08/2017 EJV Grade D Researching whether staff handbook/ terms and conditions 2.10 £165.00 £346.50
is personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998
Issue I Statements of Case 31/08/2017 EJV Grade D Researching data protection act in relation to whether a 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
staff handbook/ company terms and conditions is personal
Issue/ Statements of Case 04/09/2017 EJV Grade D Drafting 13 letters and emails to providers to ask for 4.60 £165.00 £759.00
updated medical records.
Issue/ Statements of Case 05/09/2017 EJV Grade D Letters for requests for medical records 1.30 £165 .00 £214.50
Bates Number000230