Page 226 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 226
Issue/ Statements of Case 10/05/2017 RAL Grade A j Planning- discussion with KEA re process for entering 0.10 £400.00 £40.00
Jjudgment prior to service of proceedings
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 KEA Grade B Telephone call re next steps of this phase 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 00 Grade D E-mail to Sigve confirming conference 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 00 Grade D E-mail to Sigve to ask his availability to attend a con on 13 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 00 Grade D Telephone call to Counsel to confirm the conference date 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Issue / Statements of Case 19/05/2017 00 Grade D Telephone call to 42 BR chambers to get counsel's 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
availability for a conference
Issue/ Statements of Case 19/05/2017 00 Grade D Telephone call to John Griffiths to ask her availability to 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
attend a con
Issue/ Statements of Case 23/05/2017 00 Grade D E-mail to John Griffiths to confirm the conference details 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 25/05/2017 KEA Grade B Planning with TJD - drafting response to D's email and 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
updating re plan.
Pre-Action Costs 25/05/2017 TJD Grade A Meetings with KEA re the defs terms for payment of costs 0.20 £400.00 £80.00
Pre-Action Costs 30/05/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to client and to D re payment on account of liability 0.30 £325.00 £97.50
Issue/ Statements of Case 02/06/2017 KEA Grade B Drafting instructions to C and emails re bundles to put 0.70 £325.00 £227.50
Pre-Action Costs 13/06/2017 KEA Grade B Drafting con note 1.50 £325.00 £487.50
Pre-Action Costs 13/06/2017 KEA Grade B Conference with Counsel 2.50 £325.00 £812.50
Expert Reports 13/06/2017 00 Grade D Printing out x3 copies of the Appendices to John Griffiths' 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
report for KEA to take to the conference
Issue/ Statements of Case 20/06/2017 KEA Grade B Telephone calls - see note 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
Pre-Action Costs 21/06/2017 TJD Grade A Meeting with KEA 0.10 £400.00 £40.00
Pre-Action Costs 22/06/2017 KEA Grade B Planning with Partner 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Disclosure 23/06/2017 00 Grade D Perusing payslips as Counsel noted there are many missing. 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
CJO seeing that we do not have records between i
31/09/2013 -31/07/2015. 00 to discuss with KEA (2 units).
Email to KEA outlining which are missing (1 unit)
! Disclosure 23/06/2017 00 Grade D Perusing and Sorting Documents - preparing a copy set of 0.70 £165.00 £115.50
payslips to send to counsel and Mr Griffiths.
Disclosure 23/06/2017 00 Grade D Drafting cover letters to Mr Griffiths and Counsel enclosing I 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
full set of payslips
Bates Number000226