Page 223 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 223
Disclosure 21/03/2017 00 Grade D 00 copying the newly paginated CAA records and replacing 0.70 £165.00 £115.50
these with the old ones in the Defendant's medical records
bundle. 00 finalising the draft letter to the Defendant in
response to their letter dated 23.01.17 with the further
information. CJO highlighting on the index of medical
records which sections have updated records so it is easier
for the Defendant (as the bundle pagination has changed
since we last disclosed to them). 00 checking the file and
preparing all docs to accompany the letter so KEA can check
the bundle and send it to Horwich Farrelly on her return to
the office.
Issue I Statements of Case 27/03/2017 00 Grade D Amending claim form with Defs address and drafting cover 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
letter to the court. KEA checking and signing; 00 making 3
copies for LEW to take to court tomorrow. II
Disclosure 27/03/2017 00 Grade D Discussion with KEA regarding disclosure to Defendant and 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
next steps.
Disclosure 27/03/2017 00 Grade D Perusing and Sorting Documents - making amendments to 1.10 £165.00 £181.50
the medical records file to be disclosed to Def as per KEA's
instructions and amending index of medical records. Making
final amendments to the letter to Def responding to their
letter dated 23.01.17 as per KEA's instructions. Preparing
bundle with enclosed to be sent via special delivery to Def.
Disclosure 27/03/2017 00 Grade D Telephone call to Nicole Way at Horwich Farrelly updating 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
her on disclosure of updated medical and employment
records and asking for the Defendant's address for the claim
form. She will email this to me.
Issue I Statements of Case 27/03/2017 KEA Grade B Drafting - checking draft cf with RAL 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 27/03/2017 KEA Grade B E-mails to JG at AA and to client re requested information. 0.50 £325.00 £162.50
Scanning in and saving CAA records and sending on.
Disclosure 27/03/2017 KEA Grade B Perusing and Sorting Documents -going to HF, going 0.70 £325.00 £227.50
through index, removing 4 privileged docs, amending CJO
Disclosure 27/03/2017 KEA Grade B Telephone calls to Cirencester, leaving message with 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
compliance manager
Bates Number000223