Page 218 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 218

Expert Reports               13/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    Updating letter to client                                0.10   £325.00     £32.50
            Expert Reports               13/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls to AA-John Griffiths - explaining about AMB   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                            printing off wrong CV but he looks like appropriate person.
                                                                            He said that he is trying to step back from doing reports, but
                                                                            understands what I'm saying. He will ask Chris to call me.

            Expert Reports               15/02/2017 TJD          Grade A    Meetings with KEA re ltr to client                       0.10   £400.00     £40.00
           Expert Reports                16/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    Telephone carts to JG to ask how he would like to be     0.10   £325.00     £32.50
                                                                            instructed / whether he needs to meet client. He adv not.
                                                                            Wants records and statement. Will confirm fee and
           Witness Statements            16/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls with client - he calls me following my email.   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                            There are a few things that he would like to change in the
                                                                            statement. Agreeing that he will type directly into it using
                                                                            track changes. Explaining what the employment consultant
                                                                            wants and that the report will be prepared on the papers for
           Disclosure                    16/02/2017 CJO          GradeD     Saving signed FOA for financial records to MC; updating the   0.20   £0.00   £0.00
                                                                            disbursements schedule and filing docs/correspondence on
                                                                            this file
           Witness Statements            16/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    Drafting client updated quantum statement and email to   2.70   £325.00     £877.50
                                                                            client attaching the same.
           Disclosure                    16/02/2017 CJO          Grade D    Letter to Hiscox requesting financial records; looking up their   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
           Disclosure                    16/02/2017 CJO          Grade D    Letter to Cirencester Friendly to request financial records   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
           Disclosure                    16/02/2017 CJO          Grade D    E-mail to easyJet requesting financial records  .        0.10   £165.00      £16.50
           Disclosure                    17/02/2017 CJO          Grade D    E-mail to easyJet. Time engaged includes perusing the    0.30   £165.00      £49.50
                                                                            employment record files.
           Expert Reports                17/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    E-mails to Access Aviation                               0.10   £325.00      £32.50
           Witness Statements            20/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    Drafting client statement                                0.50   £325.00     £162.50
           Disclosure                    20/02/2017  KEA         Grade B    Telephone calls from Nicole at HF - update -would like   0.10   £325.00      £32.50
                                                                            updated records and responses to their questions.
           Witness Statements            20/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    'Telephone calls - discussing amendments client wants to   0.20   £325.00    £65.00
                                                                            make to his statement. See revised statement.
           Witness Statements            21/02/2017 KEA          Grade B    E-mails to client                                        0.10   £325.00      £32.50

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