Page 216 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 216
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D Perusing and Sorting Documents- time spent considering 0.40 £165.00 £66.00
what records we hold from Sussex Audiology Centre, where
to write to and then drafting a letter to the Centre to
request a full set of records as per the Ders letter dated
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D Perusing GP records to see what we have prior to 2011 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
(point a on the Defendant's letter dated 23.01.17)
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D Perusing what records we hold from Prof Orton/Aviation 0.40 £165.00 £66.00
Medical and emailing them for updated and also specific
records listed in the Def's letter of 23.01.17.
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D Perusing the employment records which we hold against the 0.40 £165.00 £66.00
records requested by the defendant in their letter dated
27.01.17 to see which we need to specifically request from
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D Discussion with KEA regarding the Defendant's letter dated 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D E-mail to the CAA outlining documents requested by the Def 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
in their letter dated 23.01.17
Disclosure 30/01/2017 00 Grade D Email to Easyjet specifically requesting the docs requested 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
by the Def in their letter dated 23.01.17
Disclosure 31/01/2017 00 Grade D E-mail to Jenny at Aviation Medical re payment of medical 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Disclosure 31/01/2017 00 Grade D drafting disbursement form for Aviation Medical and 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
scanning to Cashiers
Disclosure 31/01/2017 00 Grade D sorting and filing payslip and income summary provided by 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
claimant on 12 Dec 2016 and amending the Index
Expert Reports 01/02/2017 KEA Grade B Meetings with TJD re emp experts and who to instruct. See 0.30 £325.00 £97.50
email to AA on 03.0.17
Disclosure 02/02/2017 00 Grade D Perusing updated employment records forwarded by 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
easyJet. Comparing them against the list of documents
requested by the Def on 23.01.17 and emailing easyJet to
again request these specific ones.
Disclosure 03/02/2017 00 Grade D Perusing and Sorting Documents - filing updated 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
employment records from easyJet and updating the index.
KEA perusing them for content.
Bates Number000216