Page 214 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 214

Pre-Action Costs              12/01/2017  KEA         Grade B    Telephone calls to client. Thanking him for forwarding report   0.30   £325.00   £97.50
                                                                             of DLS. Querying if I was missing something as DlS seems to
                                                                             recommend CBT, which is what is recommended by Dr M.
                                                                            Confused as had understood from client that no treatment
                                                                            was recommended by DLS, hence client wanting to push
                                                                            ahead with case now. Advice from RF had been to have CBT
                                                                             to put SS in best place to then see careers expert and
                                                                             explore career possibilities. SS frustrated, feels that he is
                                                                             victim and that he is having to defend himself all the time.
                                                                             Feels litigation is exhausting. Thinks it will be better when
                                   .                                        this is all over. Disagrees with having to have the treatment.
                                                                             It is not going to be a magic solution� Adv no requirement to
                                                                             have treatment, but we can discuss what that means for
                                                                            claim in meeting. Adv that if we had not got the IP before
                                                                            Christmas, the basis of which was the CBT, we would have
                                                                            disclosed Dr M report, which recommends treatment. Adv
                                                                            will check meeting room availability for next Friday and
                                                                             come back to him. Adv that we will still seek Dr M
                                                                            comments, but doesn't appear to KEA to be a disagreement
                                                                            between the two.

            Pre-Action Costs            12/01/2017  KEA          Grade B     Consideration of Dr Leigh Smith letter. Seems to suggest   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                             client would benefit from CBT - checking back against Dr M
           Expert Reports                12/01/2017 KEA          Grade B     E-mails to John Meehan                                  0.10   £325.00      £32.50
           Expert Reports                17/01/2017  KEA         Grade B     E-mailtoJM                                              0.10   £325.00      £32.50
           Pre-Action Costs              17/01/2017  KEA         Grade B     E-mails to client                                       0.10   £325.00      £32.50
           Pre-Action Costs             19/01/2017  KEA          Grade B     Preparation for meeting tomorrow                        0.70   £325.00     £227.50
           Pre-Action Costs             20/01/2017  KEA          Grade B     Preparation for meeting with client - discussion with TJD  0.30   £325.00   £97.50
           1  Pre-Action Costs          20/01/2017,KEA           Grade B     Meetings with client                                    1.30   £325.00     £422.50
           Pre-Action Costs              20/01/2017 TJD          Grade A     Meetings with client, to include prep                   2.50   £400.00   £1,000.00
           Pre-Action Costs             23/01/2017 KEA           Grade B     Meetings - fixing meeting note                          1.50   £325.00     £487.50
           Solicitor/  Client Only Costs   25/01/2017 00         Grade D     E-mail to client updating him that KEA is unwell but will send  0.10   £0.00   £0.00
                                                                             him the meeting note as soon as she is back in the office.

           Pre-Action Costs              27/01/2017  KEA         Grade B     E-mail to client                                        0.20   £325.00      £65.00

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