Page 215 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 215

Pre-Action Costs             27/01/2017 KEA           Grade B    E-mails to HF as phones don't appear to be working      0.20   £325.00      £65.00
            ADR / Settlement Discussions   27/01/2017 KEA         Grade B    Meetings with TJD re letters from  HF and neuro -to ask HF   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                             why want neuro. we will want if they do.
            Pre-Action Costs             27/01/2017 KEA           Grade B    Telephone calls from Nicole at HF - they want neuro to   0.10   £325.00     £32.50
                                                                             address headaches.
            Expert Reports               27/01/2017 KEA           Grade B    Telephone calls to access aviation.                     0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Expert Reports               27/01/2017 TJD           Grade A    Meetings with KEA re defs request for a neurologist and   0.20   £400.00    £80.00
                                                                             whether we need one
            Pre-Action Costs             27/01/2017  KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls to client - adv that will send note post   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                             meeting. D has sent two letters, once which asks for
                                                                             documentation, the other is re neurologist. Explaining as
                                                                             decided by TJD and as per email. Adv spoken to 3
                                                                             employment experts and waiting for their CVs etc. SS happy.

            Expert Reports               27/01/2017 KEA           Grade B    Telephone calls to Keith Carter and Trevor Gilbert ask for CV   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                             and to confirm whether they have airline relevant
            Disclosure                   30/01/2017 CJO           Grade D    Time spent considering the letter from the Def dated    0.80   £165.00     £132.00
                                                                             23.01.17 with regard to employment and medical records.
                                                                             CJO considering each point in the request and working out
                                                                             which organisation we need to approach for each
                                                                             record/document listed in their letter.
            Disclosure                   30/01/2017 CJO           Grade D    Telephone call to Nicole Way at Horwich Farrelly to discuss   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             point a on their letter dated 23.01.17 in relation to the GP
                                                                             records. She was away from her desk so CJO speaking to her
                                                                             secretary and leaving a message for her to call back.

            Disclosure                   30/01/2017 CJO           Grade D    Telephone call to Ashdown Surgery to ask if they hold the   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
                                                                             claimant's medical records prior to 2011; they do not. they
                                                                             said they have sent everything to us already which we hold
                                                                             and the earliest record is from May 2013. You the claimant
                                                                             joined their surgery the PCSE sent them all the records they
                                                                             held. She suggested asking the claimant when he moved to
                                                                             the UK and if it was prior to 2003 then to speak to his   '   I
                                                   '                         previous surgery.                                 I

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