Page 222 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 222

Disclosure                   17/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Discussion with KEA regarding helmet and whether to obtain   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             the helmet or just photos to send to the Def. KEA saying to
                                                                             obtain photos for now. CJD emailing client to request this .
            Disclosure                   17/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Telephone call to Andrew Horsley at Cirencester Friendly   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             regarding his letter of 16 March and our records request. AH
                                                                             saying they cannot send us all the records and need to know
                                                                             more about the claim so they can decide what records will
                                                                             be relevant.CJD to ask KEA to liaise with him.
            Disclosure                   20/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Perusing and Sorting Documents - CJD printing and saving  £165.00    £82.50
                                                                             photographs sent by the claimant of his damaged helmet (as
                                                                             requested by the Def in their letter dated 23.01.17). CJD
                                                                             putting a copy on our docs file and on MC and updating the
                                                                             documents index. KEA to consider photos on her return to
                                                                             the office.
            Disclosure                   20/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Perusing and Sorting Documents - considering and sorting   0.40   £165.00   £66.00
                                                                             updated records provided by the CAA (received today by
                                                                             post). Pagination to be updated and Index to be amended
            Disclosure                   20/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    E-mail to easyjet chasing disclosure of the claimant's  0.10   £165.00      £16.50
                                                                             updated records
            Disclosure                   21/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Perusing and Sorting Documents -filing updated CAA      0.80   £165.00     £132.00
                                                                             records (which were sorted yesterday) and repaginating the
                                                                             whole CAA section so the records are clear.
            Issue/ Statements of Case    21/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Drafting claim form. This is a version on MC but this was   0.40   £165.00   £66.00
                                                                             drafted a year ago and is the old/outdated claim form.
            Disclosure                   21/03/2017 CJD           Grade D    Drafting memo to KEA to consider on her return from annual   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
                                                                             leave. Memo explaining what records we have and are
                                                                             waiting for and enclosing my draft response to the
                                                                            I Defendant.                                                          I

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