Page 224 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 224

Expert Reports               28/03/2017 KEA          Grade B     E-mails x 2 to JG at AA and client, review of Easyjet policy.  0.40   £325.00   £130.00
            Issue/ Statements of Case    28/03/2017 LEW          Grade D     Preparation                                             1.30   £165.00    £214.50
            Expert Reports               28/03/2017  KEA         Grade B     E-mails 2x to JG, 1 x to client considering EJ policy   0.40   £325.00     £130.00
            Issue / Statements of Case   28/03/2017 CJO          Grade D    email to Cashiers informing the issue/court fee will be   0.10   £0.00       £0.00
                                                                            coming out of the fee account; CJO updating the
                                                                             disbursement schedule                  .
            Disclosure                   30/03/2017 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls to Cirencester - speaking to Andrew,     0.20   £325.00      £65.00
                                                                             explaining we need all that they hold. Agreed a month to do
            Expert Reports               30/03/2017 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls from JA of M - he will not do calculations to   0.20   £325.00   £65.00
                                                                            future. He has used ASHE and spoken not ASHE about this.

            Disclosure                   04/04/2017 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to Easyjet chasing records                       0.10   £165.00      £16.50
            Expert Reports               07/04/2017 KEA          Grade B     E-mails to client                                       0.20   £325.00      £65.00
            Expert Reports               10/04/2017 KEA          Grade B    Telephone calls with client re expert report             0.50   £325.00     £162.50
            Disclosure                   10/04/2017 CJO          Grade D     Consideration of the letter from easyjet dated 7.04.17 and   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
                                                                            the attached documents. CJO saving them all to MC.
                                                                             Awaiting hard copy from easy jet.
            Issue / Statements of Case   13/04/2017 KEA          Grade B     E-mails to HF                                           0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Issue/ Statements of Case    13/04/2017 KEA          Grade B     Drafting - costs overview                        £325.00     £162.50
            Issue / Statements of Case   13/04/2017  RAL         Grade A     Consideration of draftjudgment order prepared by KEA and  0.20   £400.00    £80.00
                                                                             amending the same
            Issue/ Statements of Case    13/04/2017 KEA          Grade B     Telephone calls to Nicole Way. Confirming case has been  0.20   £325.00     £65.00
                                                                             issued and we would like to enter judgment. Discussing
                                                                             terms of order. Will send draft. She will take instructions.
           ADR / Settlement Discussions   19/04/2017 KEA         Grade B     Drafting instructions re particulars of claim and offer  3.10   £325.00   £1,007.50

            Disclosure                   21/04/2017  CJO         Grade D     Sorting and filing large volume of employment records   0.70   £165.00     £115.50
                                                                             provided by easyjet. CJO having to copy them on to single
                                                                             sided as they were received double sided.
            Disclosure                   24/04/2017 CJO          Grade D     Sorting and filing updated employment records received   4.80   £165.00    £792.00
                                                                             from easyjet on 07 .04.17. Extensive time needed to sort
                                                                             these records as they weren't in order. 00 also having to
                                                                             combine them with current employment records held and
                                                                             rearranging the order and updating the index.
           Issue/ Statements of Case     24/04/2017 KEA           Grade B    E-mails to client                                       0.10   £325.00      £32.50

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