Page 139 - MJC submissions
P. 139

•  New housing in England is being built at an average density  of 25DdHa with more
                       than half being below 21DdHa. The Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) states “that
                       (20DdHa) represents a level of land take---- which can no longer be sustained---[and]
                       is less likely to sustain local services, ultimately adding to social exclusion”.

                       There is no doubt that over-development acts against sustainability.
                   •  There is massive confusion, substantial inconsistencies and errors in the tsunami of
                       reports on sustainability, Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SLAA),
                       Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), Strategic
                       Housing and Employment  Land Availability Assessment (also abbreviated as
                       SHELAA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Strategic Market Assessment
                       (SMA), Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA), Brownfield Land Register (BLR),
                       Windfall Study and between main reports, interim reports, trajectories, criteria,
                       updated reports, appendices, addendums, site-proformas: with different references,
                       post codes, confusion of gross and net areas or missing calculations for the same land.

                       Complexity has swamped common sense .
                   •  Anyone who walks through Ashbourne Park, with a copy of Lytle Associate’s Design
                       and Access Statement for the WH:EDF site in their hands, cannot fail but conclude that
                       the proposed development violates multiple planning principles and, would be a joke
                       if it did not have such a devastating impact on the village.

                   •  The developer’s retained experts admit the proposed design is “utilitarian”, suitable
                       for a “starkly urban” area. They use this misdescription to justify creating  - what they
                       bombast is - an “urbs in rure  with a  DdHa twenty-six times the average for Ashurst
                       Wood ;
                       If “creating a city in the country” (as the designers admit is their plan) is not an admission of
                       a violation of planning principles for a rural village nothing is.

                   •  You appear to be considering the current - WH:EDF- application for 71 units in
                       isolation. Although the design is appalling and non-compliant, it is the thin end of a
                       wedge of a much worse integrated development of 120 dwellings lurking in the

                   •  Many of the expert reports and consultation responses – especially on town planning,
                       traffic flows and offsets - produced in support of the application are unacceptably
                       biased, bordering on disingenuous, and should be ignored or replaced.

               I do not represent Ashdown Park Owners’ Association (APOA). The following views are
               entirely my own. I am not seeking conflict, to embarrass anyone or interfere with any
               commercial arrangements. However, the developments planned for the WH sites would
               destroy the distinctive characteristics of Ashurst Wood forever; the value and amenity of my
               home and will be resisted through in every available channel.

               I do not oppose the concept of developing both the Wealden House sites. But this is
               conditional on transparency and compliance with planning principles and policies – especially
               on sustainability, building density and design - so that Ashurst Wood avoids degenerating into
               a ghetto, becoming a national laughing stock and fodder for red top newspapers.

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