Page 144 - MJC submissions
P. 144
Paragraph 2
Minimum Expectations or Requirements
This is a circular and fallacious proposition. The only features that might make the existing
site “starkly urban” are the EDF building and Seeboard tower. These are to be removed,
thereby reinstating the site to it strictly rural character.
d) The 2016 pre-application consultation with MSDC planners was on a density of
107DdHa. This seems to have been accepted as a baseline: which it is not.
2. The pre-application consultation – which was informal, non-binding and for a different
developer, for an entirely different project that was not pursued, - has been amplified as
the authority for over-development in the current project. No official record of the
consultation was produced in the current application and the four hearsay accounts of
what it concluded are worryingly different.
1.7 Output from the Steering Group
3. Between 2014 and 2016, the Steering Group, evaluated potential development sites and
provided data to MSDC to include in Sustainability Reports. The progression of the
Wealden House sites appears to have been as follows:
Date & Document Description Units Gross Net Ha
1 September 2014 WH:EDF put forward by owner
AW Assessment of Potential Housing
2 December 2014 Both sites classified as brownfield.
Report on the Assessment of Potential Site 14 (WH:LIC) should be
Housing Sites allocated because it provides
access to Site 13 (WH:EDF)
Attachment 1 50+ 1.2 0.8
Attachment 2 Car Park only ?? 0.08
3 January 2015
Sustainability Appraisal AECOM Report
4 February 2015 MSDC
HEDNA (Needs Assessment)
5 June 2015 MSDC
HEDNA Update
6 June 2015 MSDC
Sustainability Appraisal
7 June 2015 MSDC
Housing Provision Pape
8 July 2015
Sustainability Appraisal Update
9 September 2015 EH:EDF (Site 13) Potential capacity 50+ 1.2ha 0.8ha
Sustainability Update Sheet EH:LIC (Site 14) Not 0.4ha
Front part of car park and mansion. Known
Car park 0.08. Conversion of manor
10 September 2015
Housing for AWNP
11 September 2015
AW Character Assessment
12 November 2015
Windfall Study
13 2015 MSDC Both sites listed
14 December 2015 WH:EDF AND WH:LIC sites
Sustainability Update mentioned
15 March 2016: WH:EDF 50+
AW Neighbourhood Plan Page 24 WH:LIC ?
Approximate capacity
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