Page 153 - MJC submissions
P. 153

Paragraph 5 & 6
                                                                                   Supporting Reports & Actions

               I suggest that:

                   •  The current application is withdrawn;
                   •  The full specification of the integrated development is disclosed, and after consultation
                       with AWVC and residents, becomes the new starting point;

                   •  The plans for the WH:EDF site are revised - in the context of the integrated plan - and
                       has a density of no greater than 20DdHa per hectare: this means approval of around
                       25 units of a design consistent with adjoining properties (see Attachment 11);

                   •  Traffic experts conduct a junction audit and consider internal and external traffic flows
                       and parking needs for the current application and integrated development;
                   •  Pavements on the A22 are improved to assist disabled residents and families with

                   •  A pedestrian crossing (or traffic lights) is provided on the A22: somewhere near the
                       access points to Brambletye School. This will result in breaks to traffic flows and assist
                       all residents turn safely onto and from the A22;

                   •  Before construction begins, the developer provides Ashbourne Park with a new and
                       separate entrance onto the A22 (or linking to the existing Pips Cottage drive: see
                       Attachment 16). This protects Ashbourne Park during and after what would be a long
                       and disruptive construction phase.

                   •  All offset calculations are reviewed.
               Councillor Belsey advised me that you can only review this submission once it is loaded onto
               the MSDC website. I plead for a more discreet approach, but it’s your decision. All I want is
               to see the sites built with a density and design that does not destroy Ashurst Wood and gives
               the developer a fair return. I am willing to meet at any time.
               Yours sincerely,

               Michael Comer

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