Page 169 - MJC submissions
P. 169

• The agreed file note of your meeting on 20th August 2018 with the developer

                      “(Steven King) agreed that the allocation of 50+ units to the site originated
                      with the Neighbourhood Plan. Frank Taylor added it was an estimate that had
                      had not been the subject of detailed analysis. All agreed that the eventual
                      number of units would be a product of the design process”.
               The NPPF requires a presumption in favour of development of sites in a Neighbourhood Plan
               or in built-up areas.
               However, for reasons explained, above I contend that the WH:LIC site was not included in
               the AWNP and that the density of the WH:EDF was miscalculated.

               All options are open at your meeting with the developers later this month and I urge you to
               consider the above points, the reality of the proposed developments as well as comments
               made by the Ashbourne Park Owners’ Association (APOA) and to;
                   •   Assess the WH:EDF and WH:LIC sites as an integrated scheme and require full details
                       to be disclosed to you and Ashurst Wood Village Council. It is critical that you
                       understand the viability, achievability and deliverability of the schemes: individually
                       and jointly;

                   •   Confirm that the WH:LIC (as disclosed in the Design and Access Statement) site was
                       not assessed, nor included in the referendum or AWNP. There is no presumption in
                       favour of its development;
                   •   Insist on scaling for the WH sites which is compatible with the 14 flats on Ashbourne
                       Park. This means a density of no more than 28DdHa and sympathetic design rather
                       than a “starkly urban” or “urbs in rure”,  as admitted in the current application.

                   •   Update the market survey and housing registers to take account of the glut of one and
                       2-bedroom flats in East Grinstead and adjoining areas. Existing developments are not
                       selling, despite expensive promotion and discounting;

                   •   If there is any prospect of the integrated scheme for WH:EDF and WH:LIC going
                       ahead, commission a detailed junction survey for entrances onto the A22;
                   •   Review all infra-structure demands and especially sewage and waste disposal;

                   •   Review all section 106 and offset payments and especially the demand for school

                   •   Review the supposedly associated pre-application consultation (DM/16/2845) which
                       recommended a far higher ratio of car parking spaces than proposed and underground
                   •   Upgrade pavements on the A22 to assist disabled residents and families with push

                   •   Consider creating a pedestrian crossing (or traffic lights) on the A22, somewhere near
                       the accesses to Brambletye School. This would provide a separation in otherwise
                       continuous traffic flows and assist residents and parents to turn safely onto and from
                       the A22;

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