Page 86 - MJC submissions
P. 86


           1.3       SK agreed that the allocation of 50+ units to the site originated with the       Steve King  "This comment was expresscf by
                     Neighborhood Plan: it was an estimate that had not been the subject of           yourselves. As I was not involved in the
                     detailed analysis. Agreed that the eventual number of units would be a           process of the Neighborhood Plan Examination
                     product of the design process.                                                   I can't comment on the details of how this
                                                                                                      policy was arrived at.

           1.4       DP/FT explained that the applicant could consider a reduction of units         Market homes = help to buy?
                     in order to address the comments however was likely to create a
                     viability problem. DP had sent SK a reference to the NPPF that suggests
                     offsetting existing building floorspace against affordable housing and
                     sought the Council's view on this approach. FT noted that it was
                     material that the scheme was composed of 1- and 2-bedroom flats
                     directed at the first-time buyer market. SK would take advice and revert
                     in due course.

           1.5       Any alternative number of units would have to be subject to
                     examination of viability.

           1.6       SK queried the position regarding the neighbouring allocated site (ie the        Mr King seemed willing to accept what may be
                     WH:LIC site). DP stated that the applicant does not have an interest in          literal truths. The current owners of the site
                     the site at this time and that the sketch scheme in the DAS for the site         have been less than forthcoming but have
                     was only to illustrate that the application scheme does not inhibit the          admitted that an agreement with AHL has been
                     neighbouring site coming forward in the future. This approach was                reached and is in the hands of lawyers. The
                     suggested in the previous pre-application response.                              missing sequence of plans in the Design and
                                                                                                      Access Statement suggests that the explanation
                                                                                                      of a sketch plan is untrue. There is no evidence
                                                                                                      that such as sketch plan was suggested in the
                                                                                                      pre-application response.
           1.7       The meeting moved onto the points raised by the DRP;

           1.8       SK confirmed that it was agreed that a scheme of flats was appropriate.         Thereby rejecting the pre-consultation advice of a
                                                                                                     mixed development and
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