Page 87 - MJC submissions
P. 87
, I\XEETING OF 20TH AtJGUST 2018 (DRAFT COMMENTS) , , , ,' �\' '..
1.9 SK noted concerns with the block running close to the eastern boundary.
Separation distance vary from 2-3.Sm. Although not an overlooking issue,
this relationship should be improved.
1.10 DP noted that the DRP found the proposed building heights acceptable. SK had
no further comments in this regard.
1.11 The internal street was discussed. DP suggested that this could be eased to a
minimum 15 metres which should be an acceptable 'front-to-front'
relationship and address any perceived overlooking.
1.12 In addition, DP proposed to introduce roof terraces and balconies where
appropriate in the re-design of the proposed apartment blocks.
1.13 It was generally agreed that the comments regarding elevations were highly This comment came from yourselves rather than
subjective and DP noted that the scheme was not dissimilar to the scheme at me.
Beacon Heights, nominated for a local design award. DP would review in Beacon Heights is in the urban centre of Haywards
any case.
Heath and not suitable for a rural area of ONB. It is
not believed to have been given an award
1.14 SK of the view to discourage access to ancient woodland' i.e. its preservation. The proposed design violates the buffer zone.
Noted that there was already a public footpath through the wood. SK to
clarify with council ecologist to confirm views on 15m buffer zone guidance.
FT noted that the proposed is a major improvement over the existing situation
and this is supported by the latest NPPF guidance. Built form remains beyond
the 15m buffer although some permeable road/parking is proposed. A further
reduction in this might be part of a revised scheme.
1.15 Regarding sustainability, there is no policy requirement. However, a written There is a general policy (in) relation to sustainable
statement could be provided explaining best practice and how Building development in the District Plan (policy DP39). The
Regulations/sustainability is to be applied to the development. with a NPPF, Neighbourhood and district policies all
particular view to energy conservation. prioritise sustainable development