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8 Corporate GovernanceCorporate GovernanceIn overseeing an international company operating in35 markets, DKSH%u2019s Board of Directors has committeditself to maintaining thehighest standards of integrity and transparency in itsgovernance.DKSH Holding Ltd. (the Company) is committed to good corporate governance standards and considers compliance with such standards as indispensable for a sustainable and valuable relationship with its stakeholders and the Group%u2019s future success. This Corporate Governance Report contains the information required by the Directive Relating to Information on Corporate Governance of the SIX Swiss Exchange valid as of December 31, 2023, and follows the Directive%u2019s structure. The Corporate Governance Report and the Compensation Report also contain the legally required disclosure of compensation and participation rights at the highest corporate level. The principles and rules of Corporate Governance as practiced by the Company are laid down in the Articles of Association and further internal regulations. These are reviewed on a regular basis by the Board of Directors of the Company. 1. Group Structure and ShareholdersGroup StructureOperational Group StructureThe operational structure of the Group corresponds to the segment reporting presented in Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements:%u2022 Healthcare%u2022 Consumer Goods%u2022 Performance Materials%u2022 Technology %u2022 Other (non-Business Unit)Listed Companies of the GroupThe Company, the ultimate holding company of the Group, has its registered office in Zurich, Switzerland, and its shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich, according to the Main Standard. On December 31, 2023, the Company%u2019s market capitalization amounted to CHF 3,799 million (65,042,963 marketable shares at CHF 58.40 per share).