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                                    6 SustainabilitySustainabilityWe take responsibility for the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our business activities. Ourcommitment to creating a sustainable future means we also manage long-term,profitable growth in a responsible manner.Sustainability is an Integral Part of Our BusinessSustainability is one of DKSH%u2019s five values. We take responsibility for the environmental, social, and economic impact of our business activities as determined by our materiality assessment. Our commitment to creating a sustainable future means that we want to achieve long-term, profitable growth in a responsible manner. We believe that sustainable value creation goes hand-in-hand with responsible governance and managing the impacts that our activities have on society and the environment. Providing access to markets and products is our core activity. Creating employment opportunities is also vital. After all, our activities are guided by our purpose to enrich people%u2019s lives through our contribution to sustainable development in the markets and communities in which we operate.Sustainability Strategy Our Corporate Strategy, which is confirmed by our highest governance body, the Board of Directors, has three strands: a strategy for the Group and the Business Units, a strategy for the Functions, and thematic focus areas. The Business Units have set a specific goal related to sustainability. Additionally, sustainability itself is one of the thematic focus areas within the Corporate Strategy.The Sustainability Strategy thus helps to flesh out the sustainability component of our Corporate Strategy. As stated in our Sustainability Strategy, our ambition is for each Business Unit to take a proactive and competitive approach to sustainability. We want to become a more sustainable company by emphasizing a decentralized approach at the Business Units and Functions level. By doing so, we can increase accountability and make strategy execution more effective and communication more efficient. This approach is especially beneficial because it allows us to take local needs into account and pinpoint the best solutions for Business Units and Functions, which in turn enables us to deploy tailor-made solutions for the Business Units%u2019 specific products and business models.Enable Our People to FlourishHuman rightsDeveloping our talentEmbracing diversityEmployee engagementHuman rightsResponsible procurementWaste managementMake Our Value Chains More SustainableClimateneutral operationsSolar panelsEmission transparencyBecome Climate-neutral by 2030(Scope 1+2)LocalcommunitySocial impactstrategyMake a Positive Local ImpactOur ambition is for each Business Unit to take a proactive and competitive approach to sustainability.
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