Page 16 - ELG1903 Mar-Apr Issue 464
P. 16

RESEARCH NEWS                      .

        AR may intensify emotions

        in educational games

        By Gillian Ragsdale
                                   ‘What’s this?’; blue cards present   Both  groups  significantly  the game again, as it was too
        Olga Lantovou and George   challenges, e.g. ‘Do you like   improved their vocabulary test   frustrating. The authors noted that
        Fesakis from the University of   spaghetti?’ or ‘Sing the alphabet’;   scores but there was no significant   children expressed ‘bitterness at
        the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece   and green cards command pupils   affect of adding AR to the game.   not winning the game and not their
        added augmented reality (AR) to   to ‘Name four’, i.e. four related   A larger scale study would be   assessment of the game’.
        a board game for young English   English words.       needed to explore this further, but   This has useful implications for
        language learners to see how   Two versions of the game were   clearly gamification in both cases   designing games using AR that
        gamification in general, and AR   offered – one conventional board   did lead to a positive learning   may evoke different emotional
        in particular, affect the emotional   game and one with cards using   outcome.  responses than more conventional
        and cognitive components of the   AR. The ‘auras’ augmenting the   Despite eagerly competing to   games. There is support here for
        learning experience.       cards were placed using an app   use the AR version of the game,   advocates of more co-operative
          Motivating students to revise   freely available to educators, HP   however, some children expressed   (rather  than  competitive)
        vocabulary is not easy, and   reveal (which was previously   significant negative feelings about   gamification in the classroom –
        motivating  younger  learners  known as Aurasma). The images   their experience after playing.   an approach which could also
        can be especially challenging.   were also freely obtained either as   A detailed analysis of both   support social and emotional
        Lontovou and Fesakis designed   clip art or from the HP library of   the questionnaires and video   learning strategies – surely a win-
        and handmade a board game   3D images.                of the game-playing revealed   win all round.
        called ‘Pirates ARrrrgh!’aiming   The children were especially   that this was due to increased
        to help Greek 8-year-olds learn   keen to play the AR version and   competitiveness when playing the   REFRENCE
        and revise English vocabulary.   competed to be in that group. For   AR version – especially for boys.   ■  Lantovou, O & Fesakis, G.
        In this game, Miss Spell is trying   the pilot, 26, 8-year-olds were   The increased competitiveness   (2018) The effect of an augmented
        to get her young pirates to use   put into two mixed groups of 13   led to more intense feelings   reality board game on English
        English vocabulary by playing for   and tested on their attitudes,   generally and some feelings of anger,   vocabulary  development.’  In
        hidden treasures found on four   experiences  and  vocabulary  especially when facing set-backs   Ciussi, M (ed)  Proceedings of the
        sets of cards: yellow cards ask   before and after playing one   such as ‘Return to Start’. The boys   12th European Conference on Games
        pupils to Spell it! (translate, spell   version of the game for around 40   asked that this setback be removed   Based Learning (EGBL 2018) UK,
        and pronounce); red cards ask   minutes.              from the AR version before playing   ACPIL, pp. 316-324.

        Using AR in ELT materials: a case study

        Could Augmented Reality transform ELT materials?

        By Ron Ragsdale              “How  do  you  effectively  short  tasters                                    CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
        It is not yet a standard feature,   communicate the depth of   of  content,
        but one publisher, as a proof of   content  within  a  Learning  and there is
        concept, has started to use AR in   Management System in an old-  a simple one-
        their newest catalogue.    fashioned print catalogue? How   click  menu
          “We’re trying to do something   do you convey the rich content   of interviews
        different.  As  the  business  and detailed functionality, the   with authors,
        is evolving from one that is   user experience?”      or    sample
        dominated by print products,   “We’ve been looking at Virtual   videos.
        trying to get digital products   Reality and Augmented Reality   In  future
        in front of a customer is a big   tools to help us. AR is a really   ELT material,
        challenge, especially with a print   simple way to get people to open   we could see
        catalogue,” Rupert Daniels, Global   the world of digital quickly and   the same kind
        Marketing Director at Cambridge   easily.”            of technology,
        University Press told us.    A quick demonstration of the   where  you
          In many ways, catalogues   AR app shows how simple it is.   just  hover
        have been lagging behind course   Could this be a foretaste of the   over the page,   AR imagery jumps off the page.
        materials in their use of digital   kind of things that you could find   then click to
        media. For the past few years,   in the next generation of learning   play audio or   content on your mobile device,
        most publishers have been   materials?                video, or display other supporting   linked to specific content on the
        limited to using interactive   After downloading the app, you   content.        page, whether that’s a catalogue
        PDFs, websites with embedded   just hit start, and then wherever   For a few years now, QR   for now, or a coursebook in the
        videos and detailed, static   there is an AR code on the page,   codes have been increasingly   future.
        information to promote digital   you hover the device over the   used in products. With a QR   AR will clearly improve the
        products. This has often fallen   whole page, and it uses image   code, you can get the audio files   users’ experience of the material.
        short of giving the customer   recognition software to link you   immediately on your phone.   But  the  question  remains:
        the actual digital experience,   immediately to the animated and   With AR, you could have a   will it improve their learning
        Daniels argues.            multi-media content. Users get   whole range of multi-media   outcomes?

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