Page 17 - ELG1903 Mar-Apr Issue 464
P. 17

        David Graddol: the man who

        saw the future of English

        By Melanie Butler
                                            on the ELT conference
        David Graddol, who died in March aged 66,   circuit, but as a radio pundit,
        was a one-man think tank who changed the   a television commentator and                                    BRITISH COUNCIL
        way the world sees the English language and   a learned advisor to the great
        the way the English Language industry sees   and the good.
        the world.                            He took to it all like a duck
          Always a polymath, he graduated in 1975   to water. I remember speaking
        from the University of York with a BA in   with him at a conference in
        Language and Linguistics, and then completed   2011. He flew in to Dublin
        a second BA in Sociology from the same   from Hong Kong, where
        university in 1983. While teaching at the   he was a visiting lecturer
        Open University, he became known for his   at City University, and
        work in applied linguistics, discourse analysis,   lecturing the entire Irish EFL
        sociolinguistics and the history of linguistics.   profession, not to mention a
          But it was his fascination with the future of   government minister or two,
        English which made him famous. Fascinated   on the state of global ELT.
        by the economic and social implications of   The audience sat spellbound
        the global growth of the English language, he   by his tales of policy changes
        began to compile the most astonishing set of   in Brazil, population changes
        facts and figures.                  in China’s Pearl River basin
                                            and the economic impact of
              He took to it all like        the student visa crackdown
                                            in the UK.
              a duck to water.                “Your turn next, Melanie,”
                                            he said to me as he came off
          In the late 1990s, David began contributing   stage, “I left it to you to tell
        to the Gazette. He was the brains behind our   them all the bad news.
        global news section, still running in this issue   It was his ability to ask the
        on pages 8 and 9. For at least a decade, he would   right question, and predict the
        phone me up to discuss the latest language   right answers which made him
        policy in Sudan or Sumatra, along with the   the futurologist of EFL. For
        latest exploits of his triplet daughters. He   example, twenty years ago,
        could mail in full-page features at a moment’s   he asked this question in the
        notice, but until his wife, Margaret Keeton,   AILA Review:
        took over the business side, the invoices for his   “Large numbers of people will learn English
        work would arrive up to two years late.  as a foreign language in the 21st century,
          It was his book,  The Future of English?,   and they will need teachers, dictionaries and
        published by the British Council in 1997,   grammar books. But will they continue to look   ISSN 0732-5819
        which pushed David Graddol into the public   towards the native speaker for authoritative
        spotlight. As the man who first measured the   norms of usage?”             EL Discover Ltd
        sheer size and scope of the demand for English,   I think he knew the answer. He always did.  Unit 3, Constantine Court
        he himself was in demand not only as a speaker                              6 Fairclough Street
                                                                                    London E1 1PW, UK
                                                                                    +44 (0)20 3971 8305

                                                                                    Editor-in-chief: Melanie Butler

                                                                                    Features editor: Ron Ragsdale
                                                                                    News editor: Matt Salusbury
                                                                                    Sales: Tom Parrish

                                                                                    Administration: Shirley Porter

                                                                                    Subscriptions: Webscribe
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