Page 115 - EW November 2023
P. 115
Y2 confidence in IIM-C India’s #1 exporter of education Disgust & disaffection on 93rd Amendment: Entitlement
Against the backdrop of This cover feature high- Teachers’ Day or illusion?
the global Y2 scare on the lighted the success story To mark Teachers’ Day The Constitution (Ninety-
eve of the millennium, the of the Manipal Education (September 5), this story third Amendment) Act,
EW inaugural cover story & Medical Group which, beamed a spotlight on 2001, which promised
reported on the confidence unsung in the hinterland, the long-suppressed to deliver the long-cher-
within the Indian Institute had quietly grown into a grievances of the coun- ished dream of universal
of Management-Calcutta, professional education try’s primary-secondary primary education, was
India’s first business (engineering, medical, teachers including poor unanimously passed by
school, that the global pharmacy, hotel manage- pay packages, dilapidated the Lok Sabha on Novem-
panic was unwarranted. ment services) multina- education infrastructure, ber 28, 2001. This cover
(EW November 1999) tional. (EW April 2000) suffocating bureaucratic feature while heralding the
micro-management and landmark Act, raised the
lack of social respect question whether it was
for teachers in Indian legislation which would
society. A strong case was be practiced more in the
made for a new deal for breach than observance.
the country’s neglected (EW January 2022)
teachers’ community. (EW
September 2001)
ets, unchecked textbooks
publishing, printing and
distribution rackets, etc)
Supreme Court’s freedom crippling Indian educa-
charter for Indian education OUTRAGE! Joshi’s IIM-grab tion. A strong case was
This cover story detailed angers middle class India made for addressing these
the Supreme Court’s In 2004, Union HRD corrupt practices as a pre-
judgement in T.M.A. Pai & minister Dr. Murli Mano- condition to attaining the
Ors vs. State of Karnataka har Joshi issued an order millennium development
& Ors in which a 11-judge directing IIMs to slash goal of Education For All.
bench decreed that all tuition-cum-residence fees (EW October 2004)
citizens have a fundamen- by 80 percent from Rs.1.5-
tal right to practice the 1.75 lakh to a uniform
“vocation” of education Rs.30,000 per year. Our Dirty dozen corrupt practices
and establish schools/ story joined the storm of destroying Indian education
colleges of their choice, protest from industry and In an unprecedented
regulate admissions based academia against this dik- cover story, we presented
on merit, determine rea- tat. In 2004, the BJP was a list of 12 corrupt prac-
sonable tuition fees and defeated in the general tices (such as pernicious
administer them without election and Dr. Joshi lost licence-permit-quota To read EW turning point lead
government interference. his Lok Sabha seat. (EW regime, teacher transfer features visit EW Archives on
(EW February 2003) March 2004) and salary payment rack-