Page 68 - EW November 2023
P. 68

Cover Story

         partment, Enforcement Directorate                                 School of Global Management of Ari-
         etc). When taxes and jobs generating                              zona University, USA and currently a
         entrepreneurs and businessmen lack                                director of GIA Capital, Delhi, an in-
         global ambition, the national economy                             vestment banking firm.
                                                                             Yet such optimism, although re-
         is the loser.                                                     assuring, is like clutching straws in
         F        ORTUNATELY, EVEN IF                                      a storm. Driven by the combination
                  belatedly, the tide is turn-
                                                                           of factors detailed above, to which
                  ing.  A new generation,
                                                                           and environment in urban India, an
                  more idealistic and less                                 add  the deteriorating  quality of air
         enamoured of the phoren, is becom-                                alarmingly large number of successful
         ing increasingly aware of the damage                              businessmen and highly qualified pro-
         inflicted  upon  the  Indian  economy                             fessionals, who should be generating
         through the continuous emigration of                              wealth contributing to India’s national
         our brightest and best citizens.                                  development, are migrating abroad.
           “Retaining wealth creators and                                    Moreover it’s pertinent to note that
         educated professionals should be one                              the exodus to the Anglo-sphere is not
         of the highest priorities of government   Akhil Behl: most effective catalyst  restricted to India’s HNWI and most
         and society. There is no greater drain                            talented professionals and academics.
         of wealth than intellectual and human   indicate that the outflow of wealth cre-  Increasingly, fed up with the prospect
         capital which is the foremost driver of   ators and professionals from India to   of ill-remunerated employment, the
         economic growth and national de-  OECD countries seems to be swelling,   insolence of office, the law’s delay and
         velopment. Major factors driving the   some young professionals believe that   the proud man’s contumely, a rising
         brain drain are excessive bureaucracy   the inflow of emigres back into India   number of lower middle and working
         and red tape, lack of merit-based re-  is also increasing, and that emigrants   class Indian citizens are making des-
         ward systems and frameworks, and   are indeed building a bridge between   perate attempts to enter OECD coun-
         overall lack of professionalism that can   their host and mother countries. “In   tries — especially the US — illegally.
         be attributed to ethical and moral defi-  the 1970-80s when opportunities for   According to recently released data
         ciencies at the systemic and individual   business and professional advance-  of the US Customs and Border Pro-
         level. Also the glaring socio-economic   ment were scarce, there was a big tal-  tection (UCBP) authority, between
         disparity in every walk of life can be   ent outflow into the West. But since   October 2022 and September 2023,
         very discomforting for well-educated   the retreat from socialism in the new   a record number of 96,917 Indians
         and informed individuals. Uplifting   millennium, there has also been a   were arrested while attempting to en-
         education is the most effective catalyst   reverse flow. Besides, emigrant busi-  ter the US unlawfully mainly along the
         for progressive development, wealth   nessmen and professionals maintain   Canada-Mexico borders — a five-fold
         redistribution, creation of merit-based   strong ties with India. Young entre-  increase over the 19,883 apprehended
         reward systems  and  improving  the   preneurs are becoming aware that   in 2019-20. Curiously the majority of
         moral and ethical standards of society.   long-term capital is now available in   these illegal immigrants are from Gu-
         Purpose driven education institutions   India and even when they emigrate,   jarat, held out as a model state for the
         and curriculums that are managed   they are retaining footholds and   rest of India.
         and implemented by subject matter   strong family ties with the mother   The equanimity with which aca-
         experts is the answer to stemming the   country,” says Akhil Kishore, alum   demics and  the establishment are
         wealth and talent drain from India,”   of Delhi Technical University and the   mere bystanders to this phenomenon
         says Akhil Behl, a forties-something                              amounts to grave dereliction of duty
         economics and business management                                 and responsibility. Conditions have to
         alum of Trinity College, Connecticut   An alarming number of      be created within the country to retain
         (USA) and INSEAD (France) and for-  successful businessmen &      enterprising, high-potential citizens
         mer investment banking and private   professionals are migrating   — many of them educated at public
         equity professional in the US and                                 expense — from migrating to perhaps
         Europe (Berkshire Capital and Grail   abroad while politicians,   deceptively green pastures abroad. To
         Partners), currently a Mumbai-based   academics and media         this end the first bold national initia-
         director of the ICS Group, a real estate                          tive should be to accord highest prior-
         major which has a portfolio of 250 as-  pundits look on with      ity to education and human capital de-
         sets under management.           equaniminity                     velopment, for too long a back-burner
           Although alarming data seems to                                 subject.

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