Page 72 - EW November 2023
P. 72


         AI, Freedom & Human


                                                                               SHEILA BAUER   RAY RAVAGLIA

                 RTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, FREEDOM, AND     Artificial Intelligence and more
                 Human Development are subjects which could
                 be written at book length without scratching   specifically ChatGPT and its generative
         Athe surface. We will try to make some important   cousins Bard and Claude won't replace
         points about all three in this 800-word special essay.
            As  regards  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  —  and  more   teachers but they will certainly
         specifically,  ChatGPT  and  its  generative  cousins,  Bard   transform how teachers do their jobs
         and Claude — the first point to note is that though they
         won’t eat our lunch, they may still prepare it. They will not
         replace teachers but they will almost certainly transform   wrong does not mean ending the journey and going back to
         how teachers do their jobs. And, as much as this may   starting point. It requires finding a pivot, moving laterally,
         disappoint many teachers, they will not replace students,   and identifying a third way.
         or even students’ parents.                          With most education systems, schools, universities,
            The important truth about ChatGPT is that it is not a   and careers there’s a mismatch at the intersections. The
         reliable source. It is, however, a master of the plausible.   transition from one to another can be jarring even for the
         And this is the most dangerous type of unreliable source.   most prepared. And this renders every stage of the journey
         What ChatGPT says is not so often wrong as to make its   worse for the experience. In the US, only 60 percent of
         wrongness obvious. Instead, one needs to validate and   domestic and international students complete their degrees
         verify each claim, making it a time-consuming tool to   in six years, and one in four drops out after the first year.
         use.  This is also not the most interesting way to use AI in   It is in moments of transition that failures are most likely
         education.                                       to occur.
            AI is most useful when it is assigned to tasks that are not   he solution to this problem is to blur the transitions.
         possible for a teacher to do in a class full of students. This   TIf you make it routine for students to begin their
         is not content generation but close observation.  university coursework while still in high school, it becomes
            Ideal teaching is always one-on-one.  When teachers can   less of a leap across a chasm and a more gradual ascent.
         watch the student in the learning process, they can see what   Expose  students  to  careers  early  and  make  internships
         the student knows and where confusions lie, if any. Cleverly   commonplace. This way the career leg of the journey will
         employed AI can help surface such things by watching each   become familiar.
         and every student. This is how it should be used.   It’s also important to make sure that universities are
            What AI can’t do is provide a sense of purpose or a reason   listening to the needs of industry. Yesterday we learned
         to do anything at all. Finding a reason to study, to make   from a panel discussion that as many as 80 percent
         extra effort, is a very human characteristic fostered best in   of engineering graduates from Indian universities are
         interactions between students, their families and teachers.    unemployable. Back in the US, the situation is not much
            Education is a journey. Therefore it needs direction.   better with ever larger numbers of students incurring large
         The Latin root of education is educare, meaning lead out   debts to study subjects that make them less qualified for
         or bring forth. But the road to enlightenment is seldom a   employment than they were before they went to university.
         straight path. It often requires a change of direction, and   Exposure to work will not fix this. But ensuring students
         sometimes requires spiraling around mountains as we work   are exposed to the requirements of work, getting universities
         to attain the summit.                            to understand the needs of employers, and making it
            The summit of education is not the university, it is   possible for students to change course if they realise they
         knowledge. Moreover, university education is expensive.   are headed in the wrong direction, will certainly improve
         So we should tell our students that it is better to make your   the situation.
         inevitable bad decisions before you get there. If perfection   In the new age of AI, there will be two types of jobs. Those
         prevents us from making mistakes in high school, those   where you tell the machines what to do, and those where
         mistakes will revisit us in college, and they will have gotten   the machines tell you what to do. If we want to prepare our
         bigger.                                          students for the former, we need to ensure that they have
            Just as secondary school is the place for structured   purpose (what they want machines to do) and that they
         thinking, university is the place for unstructured thinking.   understand their freedom. So if they find themselves on
         But university is not an end in itself. University has value   the wrong side of this equation, they can take the steps to
         only as part of the path to a meaningful life and career.   get to the right side.
         It’s at this stage that being aware of freedom is important.   (Sheila Bauer is CEO of AccessMCA — A Better Way to College & Dr.
         Choice of career can provide purpose and motivation, but as   Raymond Ravaglia is former Director of Pre-Collegiate Studies, Stanford
         with any choice, it must be allowed to be wrong. And being   University)

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